
The man suggests at the friend's wedding and it was viral at Tiktok

In the funny category “Shit, which I thought she didn't have to be explained”, there is apparently a new online If you engage in the wedding of another. Be fair, The debate Is basically The entire Internet throws virtual tomatoes into a groom who decided to go on a knee at his friend's wedding. And before they even try to defend this man, he did not ask for permission in advance, and it showed.

Now, before I scroll this sticky chaos, me personal I thought this debate was already calm when Brock and Scheana jumped the shark by trying to marry James and Racquel's engagement party Vander pump regulate (Oh, the easier times). But no, apparently some of you still wake up under the delightful impression the world Strictly speaking turns around you. (News flash, it is about Beyoncé!)

Here is what happened The viral groom who suggested at the wedding of his friend and why It is considered rude AF to propose at a wedding.

@alyssa_ryannn ♬ North setting – Noah Kahan & Hozier

What happened after the groom suggested at the wedding of his friend?

In the video that the newly committed bride shared in the future (which identified People Magazine When 23-year-old Alyssa Fowler, after her TikKok was dipped), the bride is visibly shocked when Alyssa's friend rises to a knee at her reception. 24-year-old Josh Stepherson had the ring on him because he had according to Alyssa originally planned to suggest the night before. But when the bride asked the individual people to catch the bouquet of flowers, and Josh landed catch Instead, he “at the moment” decided to ask Alyssa to marry him.

Why did the proposal thrown back on a wedding on Tiktok?

@Aalssa_ryannn Okayyy @people magazine #greenscreen ♬ Another killing on another day – feel stupid and stupid

Alyssa's suggestion (by the way, congratulations, Girlie!) Got significant Counter reaction because the Internet believed that it attracted the big day of the bride and groom. It is clear that the bride and groom through the shock on the face of the bride were not classified in the “big surprise” that Alyssa tries to correctly try to ask with the question: “Is that okay?” Yes, the bride said it was, but um, WTF could otherwise have said when it happened in front of her guests?!

Ultimately, it seems The four friends are cool (at least they were that night) and the groom even seemed enthusiastic about his brother. However, this does not change the fact that that The celebration of the bride and the groom was kidnapped on the one Day that should be all About them. Not to mention why to hell Is a man who confuses the bouquet of flowers, the only thing the individual ladies can enjoy in one Wedding, first of all?!

Tikkok was so in the arms that Alyssa turned off the comments (and doubled her “nice” commitment in several videos since). But she admitted People that this type of proposal is “usually not acceptable”.

Why is it considered rude to get involved with someone at the wedding?

While the world is not for the party of anyone (be it a wedding, birthday, performance or celebration of all kinds) when someone spends time And Money to share a service, it is only right to leave you at the center of the night if you decide to support you by participating. It is sticky, selfish and cumbersome to use the moment as soon as someone else is trying to curate, especially in view of the strong price tag that is accompanied by throwing a wedding. TLDR: Let people have things !!!

It is okay (and encouraged) to enter the magical love of the wedding of another (which I cannot emphasize enough, how much you probably paid for you to feel like this). But just like you want the spotlight You Pay during your massive life mile stone by being a villager for your friend at the moment instead of accidentally descending like the village.