
Video: Good age St. Patrick's Day Freakout at Dublin Airport

Irish times – Gardaí arrested and accused a man after a disorder on Monday morning at Dublin Airport, which led to criminal damage to a departure gate. Electronic devices were torn from a desk used by the airline's employees, while other mobile infrastructure was damaged at the desk.

A man was arrested by the airport police staff at the crime scene before he was in prison for survey in Garda. It seems that the man involved in his 20s was drunk on a flight to Dublin.

He then missed a connecting flight and caused a disturbance and supposedly caused considerable damage to the non -affected departure gate before it was overwhelmed. He was seen by passers -by who exercised the attack before the alarm was triggered and was overwhelmed by the airport police.

It is assumed that the man circled chairs for the departure gate in Terminal 1 and took from a nearby café at St. Patrick's Day during the incident early on St. Patrick's Day. The infrastructure was also caused by damage to check the bag size at the departure gate.

In the defense of this man … it is St. Patrick's Day. It is difficult for me to mess up a man because I have drunk and destroyed the contents of Gate 107 at St. Patrick's Day … not less at Dublin Airport. If there is a place on Earth, it should be Dublin Airport Dublin Airport on March 17th. You really couldn't keep the gate open for an additional 5 … maybe 10 … maybe 60 minutes so that PISS stopped drunk passengers on the airport bar and could take half a dozen Jameson recordings between the connecting flights? Is that too much to request a national holiday?

Also … in the name of this guy … he looks pretty, right? He could be the strongest boy at the airport. He tore these cables and drawers from the gate 107 kiosk as if they were nothing. Did you see how far he did … thing? Pretty damn far. He really made a number on this goal. And I don't know exactly how the situation was, but if it was one of that time when he appeared at the goal for 30 seconds. Where he watched the door in his face. Then an asshole told him at the desk: “Sorry, Fella, I can't do anything” when the plane sits stationary for the next 15 minutes in front of the window. I would also want to start throwing shit. I wouldn't actually do it. Because I am a civilized person and not an insane psychopath who under no circumstances undress my shirt, destroy itself for the camera and destroy an airport that destroys the killing spree. But I would probably fantasize about it for a minute.

Happy St. Patrick's Day on this guy. I am sure that he didn't woke up today and thought he was put into prison from the airport police. I am sure he had other plans. But when he missed his flight and found that his original plans no longer cards … at least he made his day unforgettable. One day I am sure that he will look back on the St. Paddy's Day 2025 and have a good crazy about it. Or maybe the beginning of a long series of destructive decisions is still the beginning. Maybe everything is downhill here. Who knows. Funny video, however. I would like to experience such a melting personally. I flew spirit all my life and have never come almost like that that something like this happened. IDK What else can I do. Maybe one day …