
Officials give tips on preventing damage during the week of the storm awareness

Huntington, W.Va. (Wsaz) – March 16 to March 22nd is the week of storm awareness in West Virginia and Ohio.

In view of the extreme conditions that the region met this year, this week is a memory of being ready for storm before this case.

Homeowners and business owners can take steps to prevent avoidable storm damage.

For example, Rachael Gauthier, a meteorologist of the Institute for Economic Affairs and Home Security, said her roof was the first line of defense in her house.

Strong winds can blow shingles from their roof, which leads to cracks and finally causes licks.

You can seal your roofing by providing adhesive tape over the seams.

However, Gauthier said that simple measures can be taken to protect your home or business.

“Clean all the leaf and tree carrier from your gutters,” said Gauthier. “This is important because you want this water to hit your roof, flow into the gutters and a path from your home. That doesn't keep the water on your roof. “

Steve Murray, deputy director of Cabell County Ems, said it is important that people are prepared in the event of a storm. And there is no better time than the present.

“We just want you to take a few minutes and step back and think about the possible storm that can happen in the spring months,” said Murray. “Things like strong wind that we saw this weekend, severe floods, quick floods, brush fire – things that are possible during this time of year.”

You can also take a home event if you have to assert an insurance claim in the future.

Take your cell phone and video with the different rooms in your house and make sure that you capture your most valuable objects.