
Governor Morrisey, AG McCuskey examination of the NCAA examination

Parkersburg, W.VA. (WTAP) – An investigation is underway after the mountaineers were not selected for the NCAA tournament.

Patrick Morrisey, governor of West Virginia, announced during a press conference on Monday that he asked General Prosecutor JB McCuskey to start an investigation by the NCAA and the tournament selection committee.

The mountaineers ended with a 19-13 regular season with four wins over 25 top 25 teams. However, they were selected by the University of North Carolina.

During the press conference, governor Morrisey mentioned several reports that the UNC sports director Bubba Cunningham had received a big bonus after the UNC was selected for the tournament.

“UNC had a presentation in the room during the selection process. Bubba Cunningham is the sports director for UNC, he is also head of the tournament selection committee. It is reported by a number of outlets that Cunningham had an important bonus incentive that enters at least 70,000 US dollars for the tournament. If you are advanced, with further incentives on the way, and I want people to have it brought in, ”said Governor Morrisey.

Governor Morrisey says that the whole thing “stinks at the highest level” and claims that Cunningham's fault of WVU not to be selected is due to a violation of Tucker Devries.

However, this reasoning is not good enough for governor Morrisey and AG McCuskey.

“Anyway, you cut it, this thing is after corruption,” said governor Morrisey.

Attorney General JB McCuskey said it was difficult to understand why UNC was selected via the WVU in view of her season and her expert clip projection before the selection on Sunday.

“We require a detailed level and a level of transparency and a measure of accountability, so that teams like West Virginia can plan and say in the future: 'What should we do to get into the tournament?' If a net ranking of 51 and six quadrants wins and no quad -3 and quad four games lose, we have to know what we are looking for what we are looking for, ”said AG McCuskey.

The governor and Attorney General both say that they are confident that the NCAA will work with them and be immediately cooperative to know the objective metrics for the tournament selection.

“We want to find out what the NCAA is doing to objectify this process because there is too much money, there is too much emotions, and too much time is placed by too many people to give a completely subjective analysis,” said McCuskey.

McCuskey added that they want the best 68 teams to be selected and everyone can know that the tournament is actually played to see who the best team is.

The governor and Attorney General said they would continue to come back with updates because they hear more from the NCAA.

AG McCuskey sent a letter to the NCAA on Monday, in which he asked the following questions to the NCAA:

  • What role do subjective reviews (such as the effect of the “availability of” players “”) play in the process of the selection committee? How do injuries from long -term players affect the criterion of playability?
  • What objective criteria did the committee consider and rejected for admission to its process? Why?
  • How are the different criteria weighed against each other? For example, does the committee have a consistent approach when it comes to overall wins towards quality profits?
  • Which other “observation, consultation and data resources” 7 about the publicly listed publicly listed committees are concerned?
  • How does the committee solve any differences of opinion to achieve a “consensus position”?

“In view of the main events to which the tournament has become, all fans deserve how the selection committee makes its decisions,” wrote the lawyer McCuskey. “Only for the teams do these criteria affect the planning, the selection of the constellations and much more.”

To read this letter, click here.

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