
Video shows how firefighters should pull Waterbury man, supposedly captured from home

The Waterbury police released Bodycam video in which firefighters save a man and were allegedly held captive by his stepmother's home.

Waterbury, Conn. – The Waterbury police released the Bodycam video on Monday, in which firefighters pull a man out of a house after he was supposedly held trapped for over 20 years.

The video was recorded in the night of February 17, when the 32-year-old man told the firefighters that he intentionally set up the house of his stepmother in Blake Street and said: “I wanted my freedom.”

After the police, an investigation showed that the man's 56 -year -old Kimberly Sullivan, Kimberly Sullivan, kept in captivity in his room since he was about 11 years old. Fernando Spagnolo, chief of police from Waterbury, said it was the “worst treatment of humanity I've ever seen”.

The video shows how Sullivan stands in front of the house and screams and holds a small dog how the officer asks the bodycam whether there is still someone inside.

“Who is still in the house? Who is still here? Do you live here?” Asked the official.

“My stepson is here; I try to help him,” she said.

The officer asks how many other people are in the house.

“That's it, I have two cats,” said Sullivan.

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The video shows how firefighters appear out of the house with the stepson and bring him to an ambulance. The officer pulls Sullivan away from home when she claims that her “dog trembles”.

Sullivan can say: “Stop what do you do?” Before the officer tells her that she “has to stay here” and go to the ambulance.

The police said the man was 5,9 “and only weighed £ 68 when he was removed from the house.

According to an arrest warrant, the man had limited access to food and water during his captivity and was locked up in his room from 22 to 24 hours a day. The police noticed that he was “extremely emaciated” and “very dirty”, with “matted and unkempt” hair and apparently lazy teeth. He had supposedly not seen a doctor since childhood and had never been with a dentist.

According to the arrest warrant, the man was permanently pulled out of school in fourth grade. The school informed the department for children and families that he asked for food and stolen and eaten food from the trash.

DCF replied twice after the arrest warrant. Sullivan supposedly told him that he should say that everything was fine and pulled him out of school after the second visit.

On March 13, DCF explained in a statement that they had not found any records with the man who was supposedly held and that reports on neglect and abuse were “examined and not justified” five years after completion of an investigation and no further reports in accordance with state regulation.

“We will continue our search and ask everyone with additional information to contact the Waterbury Police Department,” said DCF Commissioner Jodi Hill-Lilly. “These remember that all members of the community – family, friends, neighbors and experts – require the hardworking efforts of all members of the community to protect children from abuse and neglect.”

The police accuse Sullivan for assault, kidnapping, illegal reluctance, cruelty to people and ruthless threats. According to the office of the Waterbury Superior Court's Office, she closed a deposit with a bond to 300,000 US dollars.

Sullivan's lawyer kept her innocence and said: “She never locked him up in a room.”

“In our view, these allegations are not true. They failed,” he said during a short meeting with reporters on Wednesday. “I mean, she was blown away when she heard these allegations. She is firmly convinced that they are not true. This has not happened, and we look forward to defending her and showing her that she didn't do anything wrong.”

The examination remains active and continuous. Sullivan's next court date is March 26th.

Waterbury chief of police: For 2 decades, the “worst treatment of humanity I have ever seen” is.

DCF cannot find records about the Waterbury man

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