
“Massachusetts and the birth of the revolution” opens Wed. – NBC Boston

When it comes to Massachusetts, only a few things are more proud than the connections of the state to American history.

The 250 -year anniversary of the beginning of the American Revolution will soon give way to a nationwide 250th celebration next year. The state of Bay will play its role in 2026, but secretary of the Commonwealth Bill Galvin and others concentrate on the here and now with an exhibition entitled “On such soil: Massachusetts and the birth of the revolution”.

“The exhibition is about what has led to the struggle for freedom and democracy,” said Galvin. “It explains that this was not a mood, the colonists did not suddenly decide that we no longer start part of the British Empire, but more to do with their individual freedom.”

However, collecting and protecting history is not an easy task.

“These are originals, but the facsimiles will go in their place,” said the former executive director of the archives of the state of Massachusett, Michael Comeau, “but all cited, so that every member comes in to the public and sees something of interest and wants to see the original, these are public records without restriction.”

It is work that Galvin and Comeau say is proof of Massachusetts.

“The story is important to us,” said Galvin.

“There was an appreciation, an understanding, a need to preserve the public recording,” added Comeau.

The exhibition officially opened on March 18 in the Commonwealth Museum And will remain open in the Commonwealth Museum by June 17th.