
PS Sreedharan Pillai: Goa University exposes the professional of the allegations of paperlecks, governor looking for report | Goa News

Panaji: Goa Governor and Chancellor of Goa University PS Sreedharan Pillai On Monday, a report from the university applied for the allegations of Question paperleck From a male faculty member from one of the science faculties to a student.
“Raj Bhavan has the recent edition of” Question Paper Lecond “in the Goa University And also different comments from political parties in this regard. Goa's governor immediately requested a report from the GoA University, ”says Raj Bhavan's statement.
Gu Vice Chancellor Harilal Menon also said on Monday that the university put the accused assistant professor under suspension.
He said the university had not received any complaint on this matter. As a group of activists a police complaint with the Agasaim police The station, the university on Monday, set up a factual finding committee to determine whether the complaint contains a substance.
The VC said the fact that the facts were provided for 48 hours to submit its results. The results are provided before the university's executive council to decide the further procedure, said Menon.
He said that the faculty member, if the allegations are serious, had been put under suspension until an examination.
Ramesh Pai, Dean of the School of Physical and Applied Sciences, said that the examination in question took place last year in September, but the accusations have now appeared.
The GU officials said that an incident had taken place in which the accused faculty member reported that it had entered the office of a colleague. Later he was asked about the incident and said he had entered the cabin to call up some chemicals for his research.
The accused faculty member also admitted an apology for his actions and the matter was closed accordingly, said Menon. He said that no further complaint was received in this regard or about a later leak from paper from the university.
The activists led by Kashinath Shetye submitted a complaint to the Agasaim police on Sunday, in which it was claimed that a male faculty member has forwarded the question paper to a student in a case of alleged favoritism. They also claimed that GU officers had looked in the other direction in this matter.
But GU officers said that there were no questionnaires in the cabin in which the faculty member had entered. They said that this was not presented in this regard.
The NSUI members of the Agasaim police also made a complaint in the same matter.
In the meantime, ABVP students protested before GU on Monday morning and asked questions to the VC because of the allegations of the paper leak. However, the VC informed the students that no formal complaint had been received from the university in this regard and therefore gave no question of introducing an investigation.
One of the officials said the examination in question was one of the internal reviews.
Agasaim's police said that they are still investigating the matter.