
Watch a Tesla and a car equipped with Lidar with the street verb

I think I understand why this video, which is currently becoming viral, has got so much attention to many people under control: Because it is a cartoon trope that is real. And that's always a good time. If someone could synthesize a way to go from a cliff and not to fall until they have found that they float in the middle of the air, for example, that would be that would be gigantic. But what Youtuber (not like a potato, like a person who makes videos) Mark Rober is the next best: building a version of the painting of the run-runner and coyote cartoons in full size.

I should consider what this video is Really If you stop by all Cartoony Fripery and the remarkable distraction with medium videos, in which a lidar rig is crept into several Disney World trips, including Space Mountain and the Haunted Mansion what is absolutely worth it and I am surprised that it has not occurred as a video. It is about the differences between an all-camera-based driving sensor system and a lidar sensor array (Light Detectiopn and Ranging).

Vidframe min below

If at all, the classic GAG Malt-Road GAG in Warner Bros is the perfect way to distinguish between lidar and camera-based systems. Oh, and if you somehow refused to have a childhood and don't know the cartoon trope that I speak of, it is the following:

Oh man, this is a classic. And Mr. Coyote is a rather effective and efficient artist, I have to give it to him, even if his pictures somehow hurt against everything I understood about the nature of reality.

Anyway, here is Rober's video so that you can see everything for yourself. There are also some things that I would like to talk about from the video:

I think what I personally find so good about this video is how well the fake road wall was carried out. I mean, look at that:

Fakeroad 1
Screenshot: Mark Rober/YouTube

Damn it is a mighty fine, fake road there. And thought, in the potential punch that I respect. The Tesla, which strikes through the wall, is at the risk of spoiling things:

Fakeroad Smash 1
Screenshot: Mark Rober/YouTube

… and the consequences:

Fakeroad Smash 2
Screenshot: Mark Rober/YouTube

As you can see, the outlier content was made to give a very nice, jagged hole. This is a first-class cartoon request work!

Okay, now let's address some problems with this video and treat us a little, why all the Hardcore -Tesla people cross so much. Now I'm usually not with the glassy eyes, drooling henchmen from Muschus, but I think there are some valid suggestions that this video can, in a way, lead to Tesla something worse than is actually necessary.

I say that for a few reasons; First, this is basically not a lidar against Tesla problem; It is a problem with Lidar VS Camera, and the video makes it clear:

Screenshot: Mark Rober/YouTube

The problems the Tesla had any Automated or semi-automatic driving assistant systems, at least in the case of the large fake road, would have a two-dimensional representation of the street in front of our and that is what camera-amamous systems are constantly seeing. Cameras take two dimensional images and interpolate depth and distance signs, in contrast to lidar systems that actually shoot out lasers and see how long it takes to jump back, which gives a real three-dimensional representation of the immediate environment.

When a camera system sees a large photo of the street on a wall as a street, a lidar system sees a wall:

Lidar wall
Screenshot: Mark Rober/YouTube

Lidar cannot see a color or what can be on the surface of an object, but it can be damn saying where an object is and how big it is (see above), what form and so on.

Almost every car, which has not been based on a lidar, would have made just as bad here: a Ford Mach-E, a Lexus, a Cadillac, one whatever. But a Tesla will definitely get more clicks, and Youtubers are not dummies, at least not about this stuff.

Of course, you could argue that the use of a Tesla in a competition based on Lidar makes sense Opinions About Lidar, whom he likes to share, as this quote from him from the beginning of this year:

“Obviously, I mean that you are superman with your eyes and a neuronal networks and a brain.

The idea that “people drive out of their eyes without laser” is objectively and so good that Mr. Musk, but it is also a bland analogy. Just because people have some restrictions does not mean that our technology also has to use these restrictions. People also have no electric motors or bikes or lights or any number of other parts of a car, and we add them to our arsenal on tools to go faster and more conveniently than we can.

And driving is not what Superman uses his eye laser for. These are for welding shit and burning holes in things.

But otherwise, This is not specific for Tesla.

With the fact that Rober chose Autopilot, the original driver assist system from Tesla instead of FSD (full self-sufficiency), its new and more advanced level 2 driver assist system instead of FSD. Of course, this caused a lot of outrage at Tesla fans, with some even suggesting a direct attempt to deceive and suggest that Rober may be a goal of a lawsuit:

I don't really think that is likely, and to be honest, I am not sure how much difference FSD made for the Wile E. Coyote test. Maybe it would have done it better, maybe the same, but in the end it is hardly important because gigantic paintings or photos of streets that cover a massive wall are simply not driving problems that we generally have to worry about.

Scorecard 1
Screenshot: Mark Rober/YouTube

Other tests carried out in the video for foggy conditions or hard rain? Sure, it's worth it any The camera's ability to look at a scene is hardly guaranteed.

Overall, I think that this video had a real point: Lidar can sometimes offer a better understanding of the situation of a car in some situations than cameras alone. I think the real way forward will include both technologies and Tesla, although under these circumstances (and probably better than many) it is not particularly worse than any other camera-based system, but probably not so relentless against Lidar.

The video was fun and maybe that's enough. Of course I don't mean, the world is what it is and people they are and Tesla is Tesla, but you can dream.

Topshot: Mark Rober/YouTube


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