
Taylor Swift Eras Tour video message

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The 2025 Iheart Music Awards say “Long Live” for the Eras tour.

Taylor Swift was honored for the tour of the century at the Los Angeles Awards Ceremony, and while he accepted the honor, the 35-year-old said many thanks to the fans. (Click here to see all winners at the iheartradio Music Awards.)

“I really can't tell you how much that means for me,” said Taylor in the video message, “because I accept this in the name of all of my 12 colleagues, all of my colleagues, my band, everyone who went on tour with us.”

And the “karma” singer – which was also nominated for nine additional awards at the event, including the artist of the year – found that she recently had a revelation about experience after “a lot of processing” had been off the road in the past few months.

“People often say that sometimes the greatest challenges in life are something that they are so proud, or in the end in the end are the most gratifying feeling when they can rise on this occasion,” said Taylor. “And this tour was absolutely the most challenging thing I've ever done in my life.”

She continued: “And the only reason why I was able to accept these challenges – the ambition of production, the length of the show, the number of shows, all the different countries in which we played – all because the fans.”