
Members of the gym discuss security concerns after shooting the parking lot

One person was injured on Monday afternoon at a shooting in a Glendal Fitness Center.

It happened in the Elite Sports Club – River Glen in Good Hope Road. The victim, a 30-year-old man, was taken to a nearby hospital.

The incident occurred shortly before 3 p.m., which caused a 30-year-old victim to be taken to a local hospital.

“It is very scary and alarming. It is not something that happens exceptionally,” said Yehuda Abramov, member of the Elite Sports Club.


Yehuda Abramov

“I moved in and wanted to go to the right to the right, and a police officer shouted that the club was closed and wrote me away,” said another member, Linda Match.

Match found that the parking lot in the past was a source of concern for her and added: “This parking lot seems to be a magnet for bad things.”

In an e -mail that was sent to members shortly after the shootout, the Elite Sports Club described the incident as a “targeted attack”.

This is the explanation that was sent to the members on Monday evening:



Explanation of the Elite Sports Club

“We all bring our wallets into it now and so. It only seems to have problems,” said Match.

Clock: “It is very scary”; Members of the gym discuss security concerns after shooting the parking lot

1 injured when shooting in the glendal gym

The mayor of Glendale, Bryan Kennedy, said that Elite Sports Club and the city of Glendale had worked together with additional security measures for the gym.

“We receive a service in many places, but someone actually had attempted carjacking in this parking lot about a year ago,” said Kennedy.



Mayor Bryan Kennedy

Kennedy said the city works with many companies to ensure people's security in Glendals.

“You have increased the lighting in the parking lot. You talked to your members about security problems, you know, things that you should do when you go to your car. You are aware of your surroundings and do not see your phone. You have more cameras for more security,” said Kennedy.

According to the Glendale police, the shooter is not in custody.

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