
Download 2025 papers with answers

The RRB Group D question paper in the previous year is an important resource for exam preparation, which offers detailed insights into the examination pattern, the distribution of notes, important topics and question trends. By solving papers in the previous year, candidates can improve time management and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Click the direct link below to download the official PDFs and improve your preparation for the RRB Group D test.

The RRB Group D Previous question of question is one of the best tools that can prepare well for the upcoming testing of the RRB Group D. The RRB group D previous years are official PDFs published by RRB, and enable the candidates to obtain knowledge about the examination structure, the maximum markings and often on topics. By solving the RRB group D paper in the previous year, the candidates can improve their preparation and improve their chances of success.

The solution to the RRB Group D PDF solution gives various advantages because the candidates can pursue their performance and change their preparatory strategy accordingly. The RRB group D curriculum 2025 Contains topics such as general science, mathematics, general intelligence and general awareness.

In this article we provided direct download links for the RRB Group D PDFS of the previous year in the previous year as well as the latest examination pattern, curriculum and preparation tips.

Why can you solve the RRB group D previous year's work?

By solving the RRB Group D paper in the previous year, candidates can be familiar with question format, level of difficulty and time management. It helps the candidates to analyze the frequently sought -after topics of topics such as general science, mathematics, general awareness and argument. The regular practice of the RRB Group D Last year's newspapers helps the candidates to build trust in the actual examination.

RRB group D previous year's questionnaire area

The RRB Group D Last season are the official papers published by the recruitment committee that contain the questionnaires in PDF format. By checking the paper of the previous year, candidates help to evaluate their performance and to review topics that are often asked in the exam. RR group D previous year. The RRB group's question paper will have questions of topics such as arithmetic, argument and general awareness.

Importance of the solution of the RRB group D previous year's papers

The RRB group D's question paper helps the candidates to understand the most important topics that are often asked in the RRB Group D test. Go through the questionnaires of the previous year to get to know your preparatory stage and pursue your performance accordingly. Candidates should examine the paper of the past year for a better understanding of the frequently sought -after topics. Students can change their strategy and improve their examination preparation by going through the structure of the questionnaires of the previous year. The previous RRB Group D question paper is available for download in PDF format in this article.

Also check,

RRB Group D examination pattern and curriculum 2025

The curriculum of RRB Group D of test subjects such as general natural sciences, mathematics, general intelligence and general awareness and the examination are carried out in a single phase -CBT, a physical efficiency test, the review of the documents and the medical examination. With regard to the examination pattern of RRB group D, a total of 100 questions are asked, and to try to try 90 minutes. If the candidate marks the wrong answer, 1/3 points will be deducted as a punishment for error marking. Check the following table for the RRB group test pattern.

Exam duration (minutes)

General science


General intelligence and argumentation

General awareness and current affairs

Overall questions







Rrb group d previous year paper pdf download

The candidates must download and solve the RRB Group D PDFS of the previous year last year in order to learn more about the subjects who have a significant impact on the exam and are repeatedly asked in every shift. The information can be used to identify the areas of the strength and weakness and to change the approach accordingly. Click the direct link below to download the RRB Group D PDF of the previous year.

RRB group D previous year Question paper

Rrb group d question paper 11 October layer 1

Rrb group d question paper 3 layer 1 layer 1

PDF download

RRB groups -d question paper

RRB group D question paper SEP 24 layer 1

Tips to solve questionnaires of the RRB Group D solution

It is recommended to the candidates to try the RRB Group D online or time-based in the previous year because the actual examination is carried out online. Some of the tips are listed that a candidate is recommended, follows:

  • Carefully examine the RRB Group d's question paper of the previous year.
  • To end the papers in real time, set a stopwatch or a timer.
  • Start gradually in the Papers of the RRB Group D with the simple questions and progress.
  • Compare your answers to the RRB Group D reply to the response key after completing the examination to assess their standby level

RRB group D question paper 2025

RRB publishes the group D examination paper paper together with the result of the PDF format. The candidates who will try the paper can download the 2025 PDF question paper after logging in and providing registration information such as the registration number and password. The question paper is also the official RRB Group D -Anto -Word key, in which the correct answer and option of candidates is given.