
Vanderbilt University in TN under the university facilities examined by the Office for Civil Rights

Nashville, Tenn. (WKRN) – Vanderbilt University is one of dozens of university institutions that are examined by the Office for Civil Rights in order to “continue to use the use of racial preferences and stereotypes in educational programs and activities”.

On Friday, the OCR announced that the investigation was launched in view of the allegations that the universities had violated the title VI of Civil Rights Act by working with the doctoral thesis. Project. According to the organization about us on your website, the Ph.D. The project has “the goal of creating more role models in front of the business classrooms.” The OCR claimed that, although it claims to provide doctoral students resources and networking opportunities, the Ph.D. Project “limited the authorization based on the racing of the participants.”

The Ph.D. The project sent the following explanation to News 2:

“In the past 30 years, the faculty of the Business School, which inspires tomorrow's executives, has expanded.

The OCR said that the department sent a dear colleague to these university institutions on February 14 to clarify and confirm the non -discrimination obligations of schools and other companies, the financial support of the US Ministry of Education. “

“The department works on the enforcement of civil rights to ensure that all students are protected from illegal discrimination.

In violation of title VI, institutions could lose federal financing. News 2 turned to Vanderbilt University to get a comment, but there was no answer after the publication.