
[VIDEO] John Cox 'Flipping and Pitching method for the Bettzeuge Bass

John Cox collapses his flipping technique for bed bass during the bass spawn and explains how to aim for flat fish and triggers aggressive bites. COX makes soft parking spaces in key areas with a plastic bait for crowd and sets its presentation to the bass commit.

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Find bed bass in the spawn

The targeting of Bedding Bass is one of the best ways to catch bass in Florida. Bass pull into flat areas with hard ground during the spawn. In Florida, dark, tiny water makes the talent beds more difficult. Cox is looking for light stains in the water and subtle movements to actively protect fish that activate nests.

Bass often group in first -class spawning areas, which is why anglers fishing during the tournaments near each other. The key is to find defined places such as shell beds or sand stains, as avoiding bass to glazing on soft, muddy soils.

A crawl for the bedding

COX uses a Berkley Maxscent -Crud -Bug to provoke a bed linen bass as a slap. He arms it backwards and releases the white belly for better visibility in the dark water. This helps him to recognize when a bass an atmosphere, which indicates, when the hook is to be set.

Cox holds his bait in the strike zone. The subtle movement of the claws of the craws ahms an egg-eaten long pattern threat and triggers an aggressive reaction from the protective bass.

Best setup for turning the bedding over

COX prefers a long, moderate, moderate rod for performance and hook setting ability.

Why Craw bait work for spawning bass

Langs are egg veins and instinctively attack them when they guard their fry. The Maxscent -Crud -Bug has a natural fragrance and a lifelike action, which makes it a fatal choice for freaking during spawning.


David Appleton

David Appleton

Upriver production has specialized in TV and media creation outdoors since 2009. We know more Buzz bait than keywords and we prefer to zoom in moose than at zoom meetings, but we can both! We are completely satisfied with our base in the Missouri ozarks, but we also worked in 43 countries and eight countries. We can make a video about the next great fishing catcher on a shoe or deliver a full season with a award -winning TV with a million dollar budget.