
Why Fresnos 3rd Murder examination of 2025 is “difficult” | CBS47 and Ksee24

Fresno, California (Ksee/Kgpe) – The Fresno Police Department examines the third murder of the city of the year. However, the department says that they are now “after” because they have not received a gravel warning.

The shipping received a call on Sunday in the morning on Sunday. After further investigations, Fresno PD believes that the victim was shot almost eight hours earlier.

Near Tulare and B Street, Tiggs was found on the sidewalk with a gunshot wound on the chest. When the police arrived at the scene, they carried out life -saving measures, but it was declared dead.

“These types of cases are difficult, Mr. Tiggs is a member of the historic community,” said Paul Cervantes, Fresno police.

Lt. Paul Cervantes says that 17% of the city's murders last year. He notes that these cases are a challenge for the police, especially when it comes to contacting potential witnesses.

In addition, the department did not receive a shot pot warning and was based on the community to report the incident.

“We communicated with people at Shotpotter and actually learned that there was a gravel detection that was made.

In a statement by Lt. Lt. Bill Dooley, the Fresno police, is:

The police authority in Fresno has the greatest confidence in the T -Spotter technologies. Shooting that occur within the shot spotty area are typically recorded and reported. It is unusual that in this case we have not received any shot potter notification within the area, as in this case, but we work with you to determine what has taken place.

Fresno Police Lt. Bill Dooley

Cervantes gives several reasons why this could have happened.

“It could be that it was steamed, it could be that it was in a vehicle that it could have been.

Sound hinking, the company behind Shotpotter technology, also has a explanation with the inscription:

We take every incident seriously and continuously refine our processes in order to maintain the highest accuracy standards. With strict quality assurance measures, our system keeps an accuracy rate of 97% for all customers, and we are still obliged to do so


The police are now turning to the public to receive help. They ask the residents to check their surveillance material on Saturday morning from 11 p.m. to 12 p.m.

“We have a video that we could get and the pictures on the video show only our victim.

This is the third murder within the city limits this year, at this time last year, there were twice as many.

“We are pretty much behind the power curve.

If you have information, you can remain anonymous. You can go to the police from Fresno Wenden-Morddetiv J. Espinoza at 559-621-2415 or Detective J. Baroni at 559-621-2516.