
Reopening of the investigation of Germanwings demanded

A German aviation publication calls for the reopening of the investigation of Germany A320 in France in 2015 and said that there were some fundamental mistakes from investigators. The crash, in which all 150 people were killed on board, was held responsible for the suicide of the first officer of flight 9525, Andreas Lubitz, which the investigation deliberately found that the airline was plowed in a mountain. Simon Hradecky, who heads the popular aviation -Aviation -Herald, said on Friday in a long post at his location, there is evidence that Lubitz was not on the flight deck at the time of the crash and that captain Patrick Sontenheimer watched the flight to monitor the aircraft. “Therefore, the investigation of the accident of Germanwing Flight 9525 must be reopened and carried out by an independent accident investigation authority that was not yet involved in the investigation,” wrote Hradecky.

He also claims that a conclusive proof of who flying could be available in the records of human remains, but DNA tests on the remains of a person that was ejected by the windshield of the aircraft were not published. There are also CVR recordings that indicate who was on the flight deck due to its fast breathing frequency of around 26 breaths per minute. According to Hradecky, his research and experiments with two A320 flight control units prove that the system is able to initiate an unusual descent, as was documented in the incident. In fact, he said that the height selection recorded by the flight data recorder took place so quickly that they could not have been the result of manual inputs of crew members.

One of the most enigmatic inconsistencies that Hradecky found is the determination of the investigation that Lubitz was on the left seat and the captain was on the right seat. For the official conclusion, it is of fundamental importance that Lubitz, whose alleged history of psychological health problems, quickly became the focus of the investigation, had quickly locked himself on the flight deck after the captain left the flight deck. Hradecky said there is indications that it was actually Lubitz who first asked for permission and then left the flight deck. Hrabecky said the keyboard lock for the flight deck door was faulty, presumably the door means that the door from the flight deck had to be opened. The unable to work on the other side of the door would not have been able to leave the flight deck.

The crash led to a cascade of surgical changes based on the determination that it was the result of suicide. A flight attendant must now enter the flight deck when one of the pilots leaves its seat in a two-pilot crew. Pilots' mental health and initiatives of mental health was also reinforced to ensure that the pilots are mentally fit. Lubitz 'family claimed that he was not depressed at the time of the crash, but had a short time of depression eight years earlier, which was completely solved. They criticized the local authorities who held the crash on his suicide just two days after the crash and long before the examination was completed.