
Portland Nurse needs support for the community in Hazelwood Apartment Fire

Portland ore. (KPTV) – A fire in the early morning in the Wy'east Plaza apartment complex fought several residents to get back on their feet, including Portland Nurse Gina Hicks.

“I tried to stay positive to get through, it was difficult, it was really hard,” said Hicks.

The last few weeks have been extremely difficult for mother and health professions.

In February she had to leave part of her leg amputated due to complications from diabetes, and now has to replace almost everything that she has due to smoke and flooding from the Haselwood fire.

“I was in a direct line from this apartment right down and the whole water came down and mine was one of the heaviest apartments that are affected,” said Hicks.

Hicks said that due to her illness and the inability to continue working as a caretaker in a senior living center, she did not have the means to take out tenant insurance.

While her dog was saved from the flame, her daughter Jessica Dove says that it will be difficult to replace almost the whole of her life.

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The field in Pier Park was once the Portland Baseball Community.

Dove created a Gofundme page to help her mother regain at least some of the lost, especially the bare essentials.

“I can't get everything I lost back, but I just try to get the basics back because I am looking for clothing, hygiene supplies, dog food and things like that,” said Hicks.

Ultimately, the mother and daughter say that they are grateful that they and all the fire in the 175-dates building surely made the fire last Tuesday, partly thanks to the dozen fire engines and helpers who appeared within minutes after the emergency call.

“There were no injuries, it could have been much worse, many people have lost things here, but not their life, so I'm grateful for that,” said Hicks.

The residents of the building said Fox 12 that they learned that a failed lithium battery in a scooter was the cause of the fire on the third floor.

Fox 12 has contacted Portland Fire and Rescue and is waiting for the confirmation of these details.