
Florida universities that comply with the law that requires political debates: analysis

ANALYSIS: All twelve public universities in Florida promote an open debate through an office for public politics, an identified fixed study that was found

Students of the twelve public universities in Florida were able to hear several points of view on important topics such as immigration, election integrity, marijuana and the Israel-Palestinian conflict thanks to a law signed by governor Ron Desantis.

House Bill 931 has currently been in force in the amount of two years and is already making progress in his goal of promoting the knowledge that “is facilitated by the fearless seven and gaining a great variety of views”, as the law says.

The College -Fix Checked the twelve universities of the Systems of State University to determine whether they organized debates and set up a legally required public policy.

According to Ilya Shapiro, Senior Fellow and Director of Constitutional Studies at the Manhattan Institute, the draft law should “model civil discourse and presentation of students with an informed debate on controversial questions”.

He is also a board member of Florida Polytechnic University and took part in a debate for school in February about academic freedom.

The bill is a “small reform”, but a “healthy one”, Shapiro also said in a telephone interview with The fix.

The FPU continues to be in harmony with a debate about the “Interface about personal values, professional expertise and the profound effects of the service on the career in connection with defense” with an Air Force Representative and a Northrop Grumman engineer.

In the first week of March, Florida A&M University held a committee about the attitude in politics in March 1st.

Other schools have organized debates about the censorship of the government and the role of science in public order.

In December 2024, the new College of Florida organized a debate between Professor David Ellis and Mike Benz on the topic of state censorship online. Ellis is a professor of international relations and comparative politics at the New College of Florida, while Mike Benz is the director of the Foundation for Freedom online.

The college, which was redesigned by governor Desantis' conservative trustees, organized a number of debates, many of which are publicly available. For example, Bill Nye and Michael Shalenberg have discussed whether science can “save the world”.

In November 2024, Florida Atlantic University had a discussion about the “Israel-Arab conflict”, an event that organized together with Palm Beach University.

In November 2024, the University of Central Florida carried out a panel discussion on the role of immigration in Florida's economy and society.

The discussion participants included Professor Irene Pons, a scholar in the school Department of Law; Rene Gomez, coordinator of the citizen participation at the Farmworker Association of Florida; and Dr. Maritza Concha, professor of the UCF department for public administration.

The school also organized a discussion about artificial intelligence in January 2024.

In September 2024, the Florida Polytechnic University had a discussion about electoral security.

The University of West Florida organized a debate about whether the coordination should be mandatory, together with events on artificial intelligence, social media, freedom of speech and the election college.

A national higher reform group also praised the legislation.

“Other states should take this legislation into account,” said Chance Layton at the National Association of Scholars The fix by email. “We have a model design legislation, the law on intellectual diversity of the campus, with which legislators can carry out such reforms in their states.”

“The universities should be exploration centers.

“Diversity of thinking is missing.” Our model legislation, this legislation and others like to change this trajectory so that our institutions can offer the students the best possible training. “

A complete table with links to the event page of the universities and a summary of the theme debate can be found here.

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Caption and loan: The governor of Florida, Ron Desantis, talks about the reform of university formation; Governor Ron Desantis/Facebook

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