
Bengaluru Techie calls “Google Influencer behavior” of employees who “make free lunch, make videos” | Deployment

Most of us have seen these videos -an employee in a TOP -MNC makes you work, uses the office fitness studio, uses the free breakfast, works for a few minutes before you have a short meeting for another meal (usually a complex lunch that the company has made) before taking a short meeting and goes home. But a Google Techie had enough and called out employees who, in their view, spend more time to enjoy office services than actually work.

“Google influencer behavior”

A Google Techie calls out employees who have an “influencer behavior” (representative image)

The Amisha Aggarwal, based in Bengaluru, went to the social media platform X to take an interpreter at Techies that show freeloading “influencer behavior”.

She made a list of things that are under “Peak Influencer behavior”, and this includes: “Go to the office in the office.

The working day for these influencer employees usually met with a video of your day—–or how Aggarwal expressed it, “to make videos about it to feel other fomo.”

However, the contribution to the influencer behavior led mixed reactions.

“People agree to billionaires who bend their Bugatti, but not when employees consider their employment …” asked an X user.

The Bengaluru Techie replied: “You should bend things with your own money, not the company.”

“Let them enjoy your advantages.

(Read also: Massage chairs to napty rooms: woman gives a little insight into the Google Gurgaon office)