
When is Chaitra Navratri 2025? Know the exact date and the exact meaning

Navratri is the best known festival of the Hindus. Navratri is devoted to the honor of the goddess Durga. Nowadays that are dedicated Goddess Durga And in these nine consecutive days, the submisses worship the goddess Durga with immense devotion and purity and seek blessing of the goddess. Chaitra Navratri Does Navratri mean that it falls in the month of Chata, which will normally start in March – April – and this time Chatra Navratri from Pratipada Tithi, March 30th, and on April 6, 2025 will end on Navami TITHI.

Chaitra Navratri 2025: Date and time

Pratipada Tithi begins – March 29, 2025 – 4:27 p.m.
Pratipada Tithi ends – March 30, 2025 – 12:49 p.m.
Ghatasthapana Muhurat – 06:13 to 10:21 a.m.
Ghatasthapana Abhijit Muhurat – 12:00 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.

Chaitra Navratri 2025: Meaning

Navratri has a great religious and spiritual meaning in the Hindu religion. Navratri falls four times a year, but Chaty Navratri and Shardiya Navratri are very important. Navratri means to worship Maa Durga for nine long days and to watch Maa Durga quickly. Nowadays it is the most sacred to carry out various Puja rituals for the goddess Durga and to look for a blessing. Lord Rama's birthday or Ram Navami marks the end of Chaitra Navratri on the ninth day of the celebration. Chaitra Navratri marks the fresh start of the spring season. Bearers take part in Puja, fasting, self -observation and take part in nightwers. Every day of Navratri represents every form of Maa Durga and followers honor you to seek blessings and to get happiness in your life.

Chaitra Navratri 2025: Puja rituals

Chaitra Navratri is a time when supporters present nine consecutive days of fasting, special food offers and pray to the goddess Durga. A different deity honors every day. There are customs and Puja rituals associated with Chata Navratri every day. Ghatasthapana, the ceremonial placement of a Kalash, which means the goddess's presence, is carried out by Navratri on the first day. On Ashtami, the eighth day of Navratri, submissive people make a special Puja for young girls. Young girls are a symbol of the deity that takes the shape of a young girl.
In Chaitra Navratri, Ram Navami, the ninth and last day, is reminiscent of Lord Rama's date of birth, a manifestation by Lord Vishnu. Pendants take out processions, make Bhajans, take fasting and state special prayers that day to rely on the blessings of Lord Rama.