
Video shows armed suspects that steal the luxury car from Miami Beach at home. Owner says he is happy to be alive – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sport

Miami Beach, Fla. (WSVN) – A man from Miami Beach tells of the terrible moment when his Mercedes G -Wagon was torn down by armed thieves from the driveway of his house.

The man who does not want to be identified for security reasons said that the theft was held on March 5 in his calm and safe neighborhood.

“A car drives in the evening and a man in a hoodie from behind he really jumps out, very quickly.

The safety material provided by the homeowner shows that the robbery takes about a minute.

“These boys didn't play games,” he said. “It's terrifying.

He added that the men were heavily armed behind the theft.

“With severe ammunition, these boys could have stuck a few ball holes through my body, and my children would not have a father,” said the victim.

According to the police, weapons and many ammunition should be owned by the men bound to theft.

A day later, the Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale police arrested three people in the Southwest 18th Street area in Fort Lauderdale.

The men were in the victim's car.

According to the arrest report, “the Miami Beach police had identified a white BMW of 2021, which was involved in this incident.”

The three suspects were identified as Darrin Green, Reginald Buchanan and Demone Francis.

In the middle of their arrest, the police sources of Miami Beach 7news tell. Officials could get it back.

Fort Lauderdale's police said another pistol was discovered in the car.

The arrest report is: “This weapon was in no way safe and was easily accessible for the passenger at the front.”

So far, the three charges range from arms forces to the drug possession, to “several outstanding arrest warrants from Palm Beach County and Broward County”.

The victim said he was grateful that he had survived this terrible experience.

“Thank God that I or my wife or my children weren't outside.” God forbid that this situation would have escalated.

7News are announced that the suspects could soon be charged in Miami-Dade County.

All three stay behind bars in the Broward County prison.

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