
Avoid Dynasty Rookie Running Backs Experts (2025 Fantasy Football)

We will have covered them while preparing for their rookie designs of 2025 Dynasty. To dominate your rookie design of your dynasty, read our experts -rookie ranking of the consensus dynasty. And synchronize your dynasty league to practice with Fast and Free Dynasty Rookie Mock designs. We dive into Dynasty Rookie Draft picks. Our analysts are higher or lower compared to our expert consensus rankings. Here are a few dynasty rookie that lead our experts back that avoid our experts in designs.

Dynasty -Rookie -Duplicate advice: Avoid running backs experts

Ollie Gordon (state of Oklahoma)

Gordon is a smooth mover for its size. He has a solid lateral mobility for its size, but sometimes he can get happy feet. With some runs he dances too much on the line when he has to be determined and downhill. This is not a problem with every run, but it appears. Gordon has speed (4.61 40 time). It maximized and is best when he has a cut and comes up or uses his curve around the edge. Gordon has the problem that most big backs do, namely that he can easily go to the backfield if the offensive line does not give him a place to move. If Gordon can move, he is a problem for defense. His feet can occur in the second level of a defense, and it is more difficult to lower it if this large body goes 4-5 meters beyond the limit of the scrim. Thanks to its gentle hands, it is a decent option for the reception option from the back field. Gordon does not have a developed route tree from the Backfield, with an interpreter and screens that include most of his routes. Gordon has no drops in his last college season. The restrictive factor for Gordon during passage could be his passport. For a back size, his skill level does not shine here at all. He has many repetitions in which he jumps up an incoming rusher and is blown back. He tries to dive low through chipping rusher or blind to take them out. This will not be cut in the NFL and it has hardly worked in college.

-Derek Brown

Quinshon Judkins (State of Ohio)

Judkins has a compact structure and can use its upper body strength to lose incoming tackers. It is not difficult for him to break away from a lazy wrap. He has an evil stiff arm that he will use. Judkins is an entrance runner. It rises quickly to the top speed, but its raw speed is not noticeable. He will be able to rattle in the NFL Chunk games, but I doubt that he will meet many Homeruns. In his last two seasons in college, Judkins took 41st or lower outlier. With many runs, Judkins gets the block, but no more tons. He is a linear runner who has to rely on his offensive line to clarify more than a few other backs in this class. Judkins keeps his legs in motion through contact, which helps him sometimes fall forward and ended. Judkins is passable as a passport protector. He has no problems that glue his nose there and get dirty with an incoming defender. However, Judkins will occasionally fall his eyes and fall into incoming rushers from which he has to break in the NFL. Judkins is only a dump-off option in the passing game. Most of his passing game was a check-down option or in flying passes.

-Derek Brown

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