
The Senate passes the legislation to classify fentanyl as drugs of time plans I – the presidential prayer team –

The legislation also promotes stronger punishments for fentanyl trade.

Members of the Senate passed all the fatal trade in fentanyl law in order to permanently re -classify fentanyl as medication according to the law on controlled substances and impose stricter punishments for human retailers that have trapped fentanyl -related substances across the limit. Legislation was adopted in the house in February, but since the Senate coordinated some changes to the original law, it must be returned to the house in order to approve a second vote for approval of the changes.

“This is not the end, there is no silver ball that ends the national revival and universal revival of the fentanyl epidemic, but there is Silver Buckshot,” said Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana, Chairman of the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pension before Friday. “We do it, we do that, we do it, and you put everything together and you start to reclaim on the terrible toll tanyl and other medication.”

As the Lord leads, pray with us …

  • For spokesman Johnson and members of the house when they return to Washington to check the changes in the congress of the upper house of the Oberhaus.
  • So that the majority leader Thune seeks God's leadership while monitoring the business in the Senate.

Sources: Washington Examiner, MSN

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