
Ga. Firefighter to adopt puppies that he saved from the house fire

Smyrna, Ga. (Atlanta News First) – A fireman of Pickens County and his crew have contributed to saving a liter of puppies from a house fire.

The mother lay over the puppies and did not make it, but all of her babies survived.

Every now and then life gives us a happy ever.

Pickens County Fire Rescue Lt. Paramedic Isaac Holaway's miracle started with a tragedy. There was a house fire. The people were safe, but there were also dogs in the house. Firefighters say that the mom dog laid their babies during the fire.

“Try to do CPR on them.

She didn't make it, but survived all seven of her puppies.

“I only gave her out of the window to another firefighter,” said Holaway.

Three of them are on Monday at Bosleys Place Rescue in Smyrna, GA. They were in the hands of the man who saved their lives.

“I love to help people.

The founder of Bosleys Place, Jennifer Siegel, said: “We don't have many happy beginnings because they are orphaned, so come to us to feed the feeding and feeding of bottles.

The puppies are too young to take home now, but as soon as they are big enough, Holaway and his family will adopt one.

“They are not people, but they are loved by family members as well as people.

The eyes of the puppies opened the day they met Holaway, which is funny to say the least.

Bosleys Place Rescue was launched in March 2015 and is a kindergarten and a sanctuary for homeless and orphaned newborn puppies, which offer bottle feeding and 24-hour care.