
Understanding of the criminal legal system from both sides

Are you confused about why law enforcement and defense can claim “we won” in the same case? How each side protects your side of the case and why it is important.

The Nevada County Law Library in collaboration with the Nevada County Library (Madelyn Helling Branch), 980 Helling Way, Nevada City presents the understanding of the criminal legal system on March 25 from 12 to 1:00 p.m.

Presented by Jesse Wilson, district prosecutor of Nevada County and Keri Klein, public defender of Nevada County

Participation can personally be in the Madelyn Hellingn Halling branch of the Nevada County Library in the Collaborative Technology Center. or Via Zoom from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., this free seminar is geared towards the non-legal community, although everyone is welcome. No MCLE credit is offered. These seminars are only designed for information and do not represent legal advice.

About the moderators

Jesse Wilson is the district prosecutor of Nevada County. He comes from California, visited the University of California, Davis and the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. Jesse began his career as a legal intern at the Nevada district prosecutor in July 2010, was admitted to California State Bar in January 2012 and later hired this year as deputy prosecutor in Nevada County. He was appointed Nevada County of the Year in May 2018. Jesse keeps his passion for law and justice and is proud to serve the citizens of the Nevada district. His focus is on keeping our community a safe and healthy place that we all love. Jesse understands that the importance of the modern public prosecutor is more than just a name on a door; The district prosecutor must be a participating and proactive member of the community that is accessible to everyone. It is also important to remember that the job not only uses the law, but, which is even more important, to see that justice is done in any case.

Keri small Since 2016 she has been the public defender of the Nevada district. She gives seminars for further training seminars for negotiations, ethics, public defense management and has been a faculty member of the California Public Defenders' Association Trial Skills Institute since 2005. It includes the idea of ​​reducing relapse by an approach of representation centered by customers, which combines aggressive representatives in court with the recognition that most people affected by poverty who are arrested and accused of crimes have other challenges of living space, addiction, psychological illnesses, lack of employment, sub -official and lack of education. Keri supports the solution of the underlying problems that people divide into the crime system in order to achieve better case and life results for their customers and their community.

Register via the Nevada County Library website are limited. The zoom connection and the materials are sent by the Law Library a few days earlier.