
California Fire Marshal drowns while snorkeling on Kauai | News

Update – March 17th

The snorkel that died on the beach of Larsen Lucas Shepard. He served as a firefighter/division chief of the El Dorado County in California.

Shepard was on vacation with his family in Kauai at the time of his death. His family currently receives from El Dorado County Fire Protection District.

Lucas Shepard as a specialist for fire brigade captain prevention in November 2022

The snorkeler, who died on Friday on the beach of Larsen, was identified as Lucas Shepard, who was a firefighter from North California.

InitiaL – March 14th

Kilauea, Hawaii (Iceland News) – A snorkeler died from water this afternoon after being known as Larsen's Beach at the Kaakaaniu Beach.

Emergency units answered a 911 call for an emerging swimmer on Friday at 12:30 p.m., a 43-year-old man who was from California was snorkeled with his friends when they were separated.

They couldn't find him and called 911. Kauai Fire Department Crews took the non -reacting man out of his waters and brought him back ashore. After efforts to revive him, he was declared deceased at the crime scene.

An autopsy of the patient determines the exact cause of death, but the foul is not suspected.

Rescue swimmers are not on duty on the Kaakaaniu beach, so visitors are emphatically recommended to be careful when entering the water. Authorities only recommend swimming on beaches where lifeguards are present.