
Four-star PF Dwayne Wimbley Jr.

Dwayne Wimbley Jr.Present Total view No. 148 in recruitment class 2025 Basketball Recruitmenthas received his release out of State Florida as he asked. The decision by the 6-foot 6 power to the front of Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) St. Thomas Aquinas followed the former coach Leonard Hamilton'S.

Wimbley will keep the seminols as an option in the future, he said.

“Because of the coaching change, I would like to weigh my options,” said Wimbley. “I would like to thank the previous employees for the love and support that they showed me. It was a dream to have the opportunity to play for a legend like Coach Hamilton. I will take the time to build up a relationship with the new employees.”

Wimbley, a former dual sports athlete, committed to the seminols in June last June. LouisvillePresent SyracusPresent TCU And UCF were in the mixture in his first stay with the recruitment process, he said.

Back on the market, Wimbley said that he would prioritize programs with a culture in which his game fits best.

“I'm looking for the right fit and a culture to be successful,” said Wimbley. “I am interested in programs that appreciate my defensive mentality, versatility and toughness. I would like to gain at a high level and be developed for the next step in my career on the right track.”

Wimbley plans to sit down with his father to discuss schools of interest and a schedule for visitor plans.

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He is a physical slasher who is one of the better multipositional defenders in his class.