
The police in Colorado Springs are looking for additional victims for examinations for sexual attacks by children in children

Colorado Springs, Colorado (KKTV) – The police authority of Colorado Springs announced on Tuesday that they were looking for additional victims after the arrest of a suspect in an examination of a sex family.

According to the CSPD, an investigation into a report on sexual assault on a child with 38-year-old Christopher Angulo was initiated in January. Angulo was arrested on January 29 for sexual attacks on a child by one in a position of trust after this examination was examined by CSPD unit against children (CAC) and the forensic interview unit.

According to the police, the continued investigation showed that Angulo had associated with social media apps and communicated with young people, and the investigators believe that there could be additional victims and potential incidents with Angulo.

The police asked if you or someone you know, a victim of Christopher Angulo, contact CSPD under 719-44-7000 or Pikes Peak Area Crime Stopper at 719-634 stop (7867).