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In the midst of a culture of connections full of situations, sneaky links and friends with advantages, many teenagers ask themselves whether they can find stable and loving relationships, as did previous generations.

Regardless of how relationships work in every generation, Dr. Candace Pierce that romantic relationships are a large part of the adolescence. “Younger teenagers can sometimes get into a romantic relationship and give up school and everything else,” said Pierce. “When teenagers get older, you can still do that.

With the relationships that are integrated for the identity of a person, Hilary McDaniel, early childhood and youthful development teacher, said that a person's volatile nature of teenagers can often have negative effects.

“I think teenagers really have a hard time having relationships without a drama,” said McDaniel. “Sometimes they are just dressed.

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However, young relationships were not always so complicated. McDaniel said that the technology has changed the communication of younger generations and their relationships significantly.

“When I grew up, we had to make people talk on the phone, and even then our parents said:” Do not do it by phone, “said McDaniel.” Now it's not even about an SMS.

No matter what form it comes, in the second year, Maria Uribe, said that communication is everything in terms of high school relationships.

“Many high school relationships end because people do not know how to talk about their feelings or set limits,” said Uribe. “I think that many people are also isolating from their friends if they go into a relationship, which in my opinion is not healthy at all.

In addition to technologies, Pierce said that pandemic also influenced the type of current teenage relationships.

“I have the feeling that teenagers who have been through it in a way may try to compensate for lost time,” said Pierce.

An unexpected difference, said McDaniel, is that this generation of teenagers during the youth is statistically less sexually active than the generation of her parents.

“Many people would say that it is a good thing,” said McDaniel. “I'm not sure if it means that more teenagers look at porn?

But Uribe said there are other reasons for teenagers who delay sexual activity.

“People are now focusing a lot more on school and careers,” said Uribe. “People don't really look for a high school treasure and save these thoughts for college.”

Compared to this generation, older generations had long -term university relationships.

“To find someone in the high school and then keep this relationship and to say:” I got my high school treasure. “Well, I don't know that a lot happens,” said Pierce. “But I think it could have happened when the generation of the parents were teenagers.”

McDaniel said that the culture of the view that the culture of the connection is due to more casual relationships between high school and growing acceptance.

“I think that the difference is that the entire sex-positive movement and the setback against sluts shading with the students of the high school may give more openness about the connection culture,” said McDaniel.

Pierce also said that the culture of the connection was previously despised, but is now being perceived more positively.

“At that time there was much more judgment, more than now, certainly of the peers and some parents,” said Pierce.

While people complain about the toxicity of informal relationships, McDaniel said that she wonders whether younger generations will succeed in finding real intimacy. But society can move the needle.

“Maybe (true intimacy) is no longer the goal,” said McDaniel. “Maybe systems change.

If the social norms change and develop, relationships will remain a key factor for the development of young people, according to McDaniel. Pierce, who have already shown themselves to current teenagers from the generation of parents, said nobody knows what the future will have for the culture of connections and true love alike.

“I have the feeling that there is a sense of young people because the world is only a less safe place,” said Pierce. “There is not so much time to do things in the old -fashioned way.