
Big victory for bears; Mix results for Hornets | sport

Pisgah 11

Ider 8

Ider was the Pisgah Eagles in a rivalry on Tuesday.

Ider scored 8 runs with 8 hits, but a quick start from Pisgah turned out to be a difference. Pisgah scored 11 Runs in the first three innings, seven in the first.

Easton Wilbanks led Ider 2: 4 on the plate and scored two runs.

Ider falls on 8-4.

Ider 15

Crossville 14

Ider gathered twice in one game on Thursday, first of a 9: 3 deficit and later in the sixth of 14-11.

Tyler Kidwell drove in five runs with four goals to run the Hornets.

Brody Morgan won the victory for Ider.

Ider improves your data record to 9-4.

Plainview 10

Dar 0

The bears won their third win of the season and second place Play in the area of ​​Dar Thursday.

Brayden Dingerfelt was dominant on the hill for PlainView with 10 strikeouts.

Hits by Riley Bannister, Eli Sampson, Braden Padgett and Trey Rutledge provided the crime for the bears. Plainview scored 10 runs on 10 goals.

Plainview improves 3-6 (2-0).