
Record writing jump to the Illinois Community Colleges; BHC lists 25% increase in the care program

Moline, Ill. (KWQC) – The enrollment to the Illinois Community Colleges has a record jump this spring: 8.9%.

It is the biggest increase since the State Board with collecting system -wide data in the late nineties.

According to the Illinois Community College 2025 Spring Enrollment Report, it is the third year in a row for spring ring increases.

These numbers are taken 10 days after the beginning of the spring semester.

The Black Hawk College in Moline, Illinois, recorded an increase of 10% compared to the spring 2024.

This week, however, the Black Hawk College announced that its mid -semester numbers are a more realistic view of the registration – and spring 2025 is still 4.5% and the credit hours rose by 6.8% in spring 2024.

Richard Bush, deputy Vice President of Economic and Working Development, said the school has increased four main areas.

In his care program, astonishing rose by 25%.

“We assume that popularity will continue to increase.

The students choose BHC because “community is our second first name,” said Bush. “We are affordable, exactly here in your back yard.

Student Leah Carter, a native quad cities, said the same.

“I chose Black Hawk because I know that I was filming in a big city to the film school.” Then they save money by working part -time and then being all day in the summer. “

She wants to switch to Columbia College in Chicago, where she does not have the proximity of family and friends as she does here.

Registration for summer and autumn courses begins on April 1.

Although Community Colleges are more affordable than public and private schools, they still cost money. The BHC Foundation offers 200 scholarships. You can apply for a scholarship by May 31.

During his speech in his state of the state speech, Governor JB Pritzker said that the announcement Community College's four -year programs could develop.

Bush said it was too early to know any effects, but if the legislation is approved, the Black Hawk College would decide for workers, the controlled fields such as healthcare and technology.

“With the greatest increase in spring spring enrollment and the third year of growth, our community colleges not only declined from pandemic, but thanks to our historical investments in education, they are now stronger than ever.” said governor JB Pritzker. “We are the home of the nation's third largest community system and want to continue to see growth and opportunity for working families by making university education more affordable and accessible to students across the state.”

“We know that university education is the key to our future. That is why we have made historical investments to make education more accessible.” said the governor Juliana Stratton. “Now we are seeing a return of our investments with the enrollment of Community College.

Community Colleges are of central importance for the expansion of access to affordable education, the strengthening of the state's workforce and the creation of more economic opportunities for Illinoisan. During the budget approach for the fiscal year 26, Governor Pritzker suggested a consumer-oriented, student-centered program with which community college can offer four years of bachelor's degrees, which makes degrees more accessible, while they live up to the needs of employers in key sectors and keep training for students and working families low.

“Illinois' continued investment in accessible and affordable training in community college has had direct and sustainable effects on the life of thousands of additional students who are now using community colleges as a way for better life and brighter future.” ICCB Executive Director Brian Durham said. “In 2021, enrollment at the Illinois Community Colleges was among 240,000 students.

In addition to the Baccalaureate program of the Community College, Governor Pritzker has priorified important initiatives that have a positive effect on the working families in Illinois, including a direct entry program for the rationalization of College registration on public post -historical institutions and the money of Illinois families. Governor Pritzker also proposes a mobile phone ban from K-12 schools in all of Illinois in order to limit personal electronic use during class.

The proposed budget of 26 in financial year 26 also includes an increase in operating money by 3% for public universities and community colleges as well as an unprecedented appropriation of 721.6 million US dollars for the money prize program (MAP) to ensure that practically all students in Illinois can visit or below the middle income free of charge if their financial aid with federal -Pell grants can be coupled.

Results from the spring report for spring 2025

The report on the spring registration report 2025 shows the third spring semester semester semester in the past six years and brings the enrollment to the colleges in Illinois Community Colleges at the pre-pandemic level of just over 283,000 students. The pandemic has significantly influenced the enrollment, but the Colleges in Illinois Community continued to work to recruit and keep students as registration. ​ ​

Further results from the report on the registration from spring 2025 are:

  • Forty of the 45 Community Colleges in Illinois recorded an increase in school offer from spring 2024 to spring 2025.
  • The number of employees of the previous year rose in five out of six classes, including:
    • Transfer programs – the largest teaching area in the Illinois Community College system – rose by 8.9% compared to the previous one.
    • Career and technical training programs rose by 7.6%compared to the previous year.
    • General Associates programs rose by 23.4%compared to the previous year.
    • Adult education – the students who are interested in basic skills, ged preparation and knowledge of English rose by 5%compared to the previous year.
  • Dual -Credit programs that enable students to earn college loans -rose by 19.8% and increased by 61.9% compared to spring 2021.

Summary of the opening of spring registers at public colleges in Illinois from 2021 to 2025