
The expenses for employees outside the state in Florida continue to raise questions

For the third time in just as many weeks, the legislators Pedro Allende, head of the Department of Management Services (DMS), have described Governor Ron Desantis to answer questions about the hiring of four highly paid employees outside the state who regularly commute to Tallahasee at TaxPayer editions.

Allende did not take part in the State Capitol in the meeting of the House Oversights. Instead, he appeared at a cyber security conference in Washington, DC, and sent to the Tallahassee, which hits a replacement meeting, which sometimes had difficulties to give final answers.

Allende who lives in Miami has been invited to the meeting on Wednesday, but has not yet confirmed his participation.

Pedro Allende, Secretary of the Department of Management Services in Florida. Credit: DMS, State of Florida.

As the Florida Trident reported for the first time, it is the attitude on March 3, 2023 of four employees outside the state as part of the “Data Team” of DMS:

/State Data Director Edward Rhyne from Maryland, who pays $ 205,485;

/Computer and info system manager Caleb Georgeson from Idaho, who earns 103,265 US dollars;

/Database administrator Leann Trosclair from West Virginia, whose salary is reported as $ 125,678.

/And data scientist Nicholas Evancich, also from Maryland, paid $ 147,952.

According to Florida State Records, the travel expenses, which were more than 56,000 US dollars in just two years, were reimbursed separately.

At the meeting of the past week, the committee members Tom Berger, the deputy DMS secretary, who was responsible for business, gave the absence of everything, about the need for remote employees and not in Florida, and whether the agency is open or opened the positions for qualified Floridians at all.

“What you say is that these are the only four people in the country.

When Berger read an explanation from Allende to the committee members, said Berger, the Allende's attitude decisions were. He described the movements as “exclusively at the discretion of the executive”.

In his statement, he did not mention whether previous relationships could have influenced the attacks.

For example, Edward Rhyne, who had the highest reimbursement calculations of 42,000 US dollars, was already employed by the Federal Agency, according to reports in the US Ministry of Energy for at least a part of the time.

State Records lists both the Allende and Rhyne as the manager of a non -profit company, Emerging Risk Project Corporation, which was founded in 2021 and founded in Miami. Questions that were sent to both Rhyne and Allende about the company company have remained unanswered.

In response to questions about the obvious inability to find equally qualified Floridians, Berger defended the out-of-state shortcut as a “extremely high talent”.

The national workers “should live in Florida,” said spokesman Daniel Perez when asked about the removed positions in an interview with the removed positions. “We have enough talent here in Florida where we can live our employees in our own state.”

DMS is responsible for the management of various workforce and business-related functions, including real estate, procurement, personnel, retirement and fleet management. For the 2022-23 financial year, the legislator has registered $ 1.1 billion for DMS, according to a recently carried out state examination, in which, among other things, the inability of the agency were unable to carefully pursue the number of state vehicles as part of its supervision.

The award -winning journalist Michelle Demarco has returned to journalism after two decades in the public service. As a print reporter, she covered two state Capitols and received several state awards. Their investigative work included the spin -off of an upscale housing estate that was built on an abandoned dump, and the death of women in the occupants women.