
Boylan students voluntarily report on the day of care

Rockford, Ill. (Wifr) – Students of the Catholic High School Boylan learn the value of the volunteer Tuesday as part of the annual care day.

“It's a good experience.

As a rule, the entire school takes part in the event, but this year Boylan only chose the freshmen class. The chairman of the theology department, Sandy Blevins, says that the event introduces the new students in Boylans values ​​and missions.

“They go into the community to be the hands and feet of Jesus,” said Blevin.

The students started their day by hearing from other volunteers in the Rockford community. They then broke into groups and traveled to different locations, including Carpenter's Place, Rockford Rescue Mission, St. Elizabeth Center and Rock House Kids.

At Rock House Kids, which after the school for regions children, students folded ceilings, cleaned vans and classrooms and from wiping tables and chairs.

The managing director of the center, Dee Lacny, was grateful for Boylan's help and says that the center always needs volunteers.

“Coming here means loving a child,” said Lacy. “If you have a heart for children, this is the right place for you.”

Thousands of students have taken part in the day of care over the years. Lisa St. John, coordinator for service programs, says it is part of life as a Boylan Titan.

“At Boylan, the service is more than just a requirement – it enables the day of care that our students implement their trustworthiness, help the needy and strengthen their connection to the community.”