
The Titusville police reveal new investigations for murder murder examinations

New details tonight. In a case that we have been following for weeks, David Barber, an ex-boyfriend of Jesse Kirk's niece, is now charged with her murder, as Hayley Crombleholme from WESH 2 explains. The Titusville police reveal new evidence of their investigation into their death. Jesse Kirk lived behind me in this condominium complex, but it is on the other side of the street in the Apollo landings that a witness to the police said that she saw David Barber between his car and Jesse Kirks Lincoln Navigator. And it was in Barber's car that a search command said that some of the items in question were found. A man who lives just a few meters from Apollo Landings Apartment Complex says he has seen the police in the area in recent weeks. It's not a bad neighborhood, but it's not the largest neighborhood. It is possible that some of these visits were related to the murder of Jesse Kirk. Documents show that a friend who follows Kirk's phone has found her last location in the apartment complex, and an officer finally found her car there. And later the officials claim that they had seen a Honda CRV at this point, who heard from David Barber, an ex-boyfriend of Kirk's niece. Kirk's car was previously in. According to a search command, a resident of the police apartment complex announced that she had seen a man who was later identified as a barber who went between the two cars and moved them to various parking spaces in the early morning of March 4. No, I'm not because there is a lot of activity here at night. You know, I am surprised that the person was not caught earlier. A search command throws a new light on what was found in Barber's car. It is said that a notepad with the list of the list and collecting list was found, followed by a list of elements with some crossed elements or with check marks. Next to them are both crossed objects that were included in the costumes, wigs, restrictions, pills, gloves, garbage bags, gag tape, pale and spray cameras and large zippers. Also allegedly found in the car. Jesse Kirk's cell phone in the center console as well as a handgun, handcuff key and two bank cards with Kirk's name. Outside the console on the fronters of the passengers. A wallet should be found with Kirks Florida driver's license, her checkbook and photos of her and her husband inside. Barber will currently not hold a bond. Covering of Brevard Count

The Titusville police reveal new investigations for murder murder examinations

The Titusville police are improving new evidence of Jessie Kirk's murder examination, David Barber, an ex-boyfriend of Kirk's niece. Documents show that a friend who follows Kirk's phone has found her last location in the Apollo Landings Apartment Complex, where an officer found her car. A resident of the apartment complex told the police that she saw a man who was later identified as a hairdresser. He went between the two Coss and moved them to different parking rooms in the early morning. A search command reveals a notepad that in Barber's car with the name “Kauflist” and “Collect” with objects such as costumes, wigs, wigs, back rest, pills, gloves, garbage bags, gag, adhesive tape, bleach, sprayer, cameras and big -zip tie that have been crossed by a center trade. Handpage key and two bank cards with Kirk's name. On the passenger side, the police found a handbag with Kirks Florida driver's license, her checkbook and photos of her and her husband.

The Titusville police are improving new evidence of Jessie Kirk's murder examination, David Barber, an ex-boyfriend of Kirk's niece.

Documents show that a friend who follows Kirk's phone has found her last location in the Apollo Landings Apartment Complex, where an officer later found her car.

A resident of the apartment complex told the police that she saw a man who was later identified as a barber, walked between the two cars and moved to various parking spaces in the early morning of March 4.

“I am not surprised because there is a lot of activity here at night, you know,” added the resident.

“I am surprised that the person was not caught earlier,” said the resident.

A search command shows that a notepad in Barber's car with the name “purchase list” and “collect” with articles such as costumes, wigs, restrictions, pills, gloves, garbage bags, gag, adhesive tape, bleach, sprayer, cameras and large zipper, some of which have been crossed or checked.

Jessie Kirk's cell phone was found in the center console of Barber's car together with a pistol, a handcuff key and two bank cards with Kirk's name.

On the passenger side, the police found a handbag with Kirk's driver's license in Florida, her checkbook and photos of her and her husband.