
Shake arrested after shooting in the upstate Convenience Store, say MPs

After a shootout in a supermarket, a arrest in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, was made. The Sheriff's office of Spartanburg County said on a shootout at 3:40 p.m. on Tuesday at Ruchi Food Mart on Asheville Highway. The EMS and the fire brigade offered and took the victim to the hospital. According to MPs, the witnesses were able to provide the license plate number and description of the suspect's vehicle. Shortly afterwards, shortly afterwards, a member of the transport member discovered the suspect's vehicle in the parking lot in the parking lot. Brayan Alexander Borjas-Martinez, 30, from Spartanburg. After MPs, Borjas-Martinez was brought to the detention center after the deputy was the shootout. The MPs said the victim recovered after the operation.

After a shootout in a supermarket, South Carolina was arrested in Spartanburg County.

The sheriff office of the Sheriff of Spartanburg County said that the MPs had replied on Tuesday at 3:40 p.m. on the Ruchi Food Mart on Asheville Highway at 3:40 p.m.

When the MPs arrived, they said that a male victim had been found on his upper body before the shop with a gunshot wound.

The MPs said they granted help to the victim until the EMS and the fire brigade staff arrived and brought the victim to the hospital.

According to MPs, the witnesses were able to provide the license plate number and description of the suspect's vehicle.

Shortly afterwards, the deputies said that a traffic staff berry discovered the suspect's vehicle in the parking lot of the hotspot on Highway 292 and on Interstate 26.

As an additional units, the MPs said they had arrested the suspect without incident.

The MPs identified the suspect as Brayan Alexander Borjas-Martinez (30) from Spartanburg.

Brayan Alexander Borjas-Martinez

Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office

According to MPs, Borjas-Martinez was brought to the detention center after the MPs had stood the shootout.

The investigators said that a judge had admitted arrest warrants for murder and possession of a weapon during the inspection of a violent crime.

The MPs said the victim recovered after the operation.