
The legislator introduces Bill to make breast imaging tests more affordable

A Arizona legislator has introduced a law that could make medically necessary breast events more affordable and accessible.

The representative Michelle Peña (R-Yuma) conducted the house bill 2561 in the hope of removing the costs for the expenses of patients for breast imaging, which are considered medically necessary, such as breast-mris and ultrasound.

Costs can sometimes prevent people from taking these important medical steps to see if they have breast cancer. Experts say that early detection of breast cancer is the key, since these cases that are later diagnosed can be treated more fatal and more difficult and expensive.

Despite the falling mortality rates, invasive breast cancer is still diagnosed in 1 out of 8 women in the United States, according to a report recently found by the American Cancer Society.

27 countries have already put a similar policy into force.

Dr. Valerie Sorkin-Wells, a retired OB/Gyn, who is now working with the Arizona Wellness Center for Women, is a survivor of breast cancer together with her mother and daughter.

“We have decisions so often to pay rent or do we get clothes?” Said Sorkin-Wells. “And then you then have financial costs for diagnostic imaging. This is a very difficult choice for women.”

Rachel Louse from ABC15 spoke about Sorkin-Wells about the law and its importance. Take a look at the full story in the video player above.