
Private detective, the documentary film team in Detroit, resumed the investigation of the murder to author from 1974

DETROIT – A private investigator and a documentary film team are working to learn more about the murder of author Donald Goines and his partner of 1974.

Goines and the mother of his children, Shirley Sailor, were shot several times in their Highland Park apartment on October 1, 1974.

Her two little children aged 2 and 4 were at home when it happened.

The murders have never been solved.

Goines' life story is presented in a documentary from the film company Detroit son.

“If you look up the productive authors, tell me how many can say that you have sold 25 million books?” The private investigator Bill Proctor said about Goines.

Proctor is the private detective who works next to the filmmakers.

He said Goines wrote about hard issues such as crime and drugs.

Goines was based on what he knew after spent time in prison and became addicted to drugs.

-> The Detroit Film Company offers a reward of 5,000 US dollars for information about the murder of Donald Goines from 1974 from 1974

There are some who believe that his letter may have killed him.

“We are pretty sure that the last book he worked on touched a life that did not want any known,” said Proctor. “He actually articulated someone that this will probably be my last, and I'm not sure if I will end it.”

There are other functioning theories that Proctor explores in the upcoming documentary.

In the meantime, a reward of 5,000 US dollars for new information about Gines' Murder is offered.

Everyone is asked to call 586-873-1371.

The documentary is expected to be published in spring 2026.

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