
Fello CEO provides a unique 30-day list of listing

Young: When I joined my parents, I said that the only thing that is really important to me is when I come to you, we will build something special. And I am very obliged to build something. We quickly became one of the top teams in the state of Ohio.

One of the things I did in my real estate team was this guaranteed sales program for cash. We saw so much demand that I said that this was like a business itself. So I started a company called named Flashhousewhich was built in to acquire houses.

Young also noticed that the Young Team team from Flashhouse requested cash offers without knowing that he had both companies. This showed him the effects of Flashhouse marketing on former customers.

Young: I realized that I had to protect and invest my database. This is how this idea of ​​technology came.

Lion: What distinguishes Fello from the rest of the competition?

Young: The first is the introduction of the data. That is so important. We take the database and enrich with all this information that was never there. And then we have all of this data that can be so granularly and adaptable. This enables us to see a much better commitment and significantly better results.

Lion: What did you do to go from one thing that of course does not connect to the next things in order to then become good or to be successful?

Young: My greatest strength is to know and accept my weaknesses. I grew up with team sport. I grew up in the kitchen, which is a kind of team matter. It would not be possible to surround me with other people.

Lion: You have a really big initiative that is going on, right? Or just before that?

Young: I've always been very passionate on the real estate side of things. Last year, in March, I went out on social media, posted InstagramAnd said: “My name is Ryan Young and I will set 30 appointments from my database in the next 30 days.” Suddenly we had the support in the community and I started saying a lot of people: “Hey, if you ever do it again, I'll do it with you.”

So we liked a small mini driver last year. We had about 500 participants. This year I turned to other managers in our industry to say that I like to like a daily webinar. We started it seven days ago. There are already 5,000 participants, and today we have just announced all speakers.