
Rihanna R9 New album: release date, genre, tour details

Rihanna R9 New album: release date, genre, tour details

It has literally been nine years since Rihanna's last album, ANTICame out and raised the bar for pop stars to heaven. “Lives what changes” is an understatement. The Queen's eighth studio album is a dynamic POP XR & B masterwork that has an urgently beautiful piano ballads such as “Close to You”, addictive feeling-yourself-hymns such … Read more

Woodo confirmed for Switch 2, New Story Trailer published

Woodo confirmed for Switch 2, New Story Trailer published

In cooperation with the developers Yullia Prohorova and Timur Bogotov, Daedalic Entertainment is enthusiastic about presenting a heart -warming story trailer for the upcoming Cosy 3D puzzle game Woodo. The trailer offers a first insight into the charming narrative, which the players disguise the players bit by bit. The trailer shows excerpts from the protagonist's … Read more

Think that ISD changes to the 4-day school week

Think that ISD changes to the 4-day school week

Article Ponder, Texas – – The Ponder Independent School District in Denton County is the latest school district of North Texas, who moves to a four -day school week. What we know: School district officers said that they made the decision to officially switch to a shorter week after months of research, discussion and input … Read more