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Please note that by blocking all or all cookies you may not have access to certain functions, content or personalizations. For more information, see our cookie guideline. Follow the instructions for your browser below to activate cookies. Facebook app: Open links in the external browser There is a specific problem with the Facebook-in app browser, … Read more

When does the premiere of the second season fall off? As you can see

When does the premiere of the second season fall off? As you can see

The Dutton Family Saga continues this weekend with the premiere of the second season of the “Yellowstone” Prequel “1923”. According to the USA Today, “1923” is the second “Yellowstone” prequel and follows the events of the limited series “1883”, published in 2021 Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren. It also examines the “early 20th century, as … Read more

The capitals Alex Ovechkin Jagen Wayne Gretzkys 894-goal-NHL record, creates the story with Hattrick in the 7: 3 victory on Sunday against the Oilers | NHL News

The capitals Alex Ovechkin Jagen Wayne Gretzkys 894-goal-NHL record, creates the story with Hattrick in the 7: 3 victory on Sunday against the Oilers | NHL News

Alex Ovechkin“S impressive goals in the 7: 3 victory of the Washington Capitals against the Edmonton Oilers indicate that he could break Wayne Gretzky'S NHL goal this season. Ovechkin's first goal was a snapshot from the high slot that exceeded goalkeeper Calvin Pickard Low to the blocker side and increased Washington's lead to 3: 1. … Read more

Conservative CDU/CSU leads the German federal elections: Preliminary results

Conservative CDU/CSU leads the German federal elections: Preliminary results

Germany's conservative block, the Christian -Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) took the lead in the national elections in 2025. This goes from the preliminary results published on Sunday evening by the German public broadcaster ARD. According to ARD's latest votes, CDU/CSU has secured 28.5 percent of the votes, followed by the … Read more

Hilltop apartment fire harms 8 units

Hilltop apartment fire harms 8 units

One person was treated for smoke inhalation after a fire on Sunday afternoon. The residents of the area were asked for strong smoke to stay inside. Virginia Beach, especially – a fire in the Hilltop area of ​​Virginia Beach damaged eight residential units on Sunday afternoon. According to the fire department of Virginia Beach, the … Read more