
No known injuries because Anchorage Feuerwehrmen continue to fight the fire with the large trade building in Midtown

No known injuries because Anchorage Feuerwehrmen continue to fight the fire with the large trade building in Midtown

Anchorage, Alaska (Ktuu) – There seems to be no injuries to a large trade building in Midtown Anchorage, which started on Saturday around 7:00 a.m. The spokeswoman for the Anchorage Fire Department, Megan Peters, said that Alaska's news crews still couldn't get into the building in front of the W. Potter Drive. “It will be … Read more

2024-25 Indiana Women's basketball time plan for women

2024-25 Indiana Women's basketball time plan for women

(Updated Saturday, March 1 at 2:25 p.m. Bloomington, Ind.-The complete basketball time plan from 2024-25 Indiana Women's basketball is complete with data, locations, seasons and television names for all non-conferences and big ten games. Indiana will appear four times in Big Ten Network, twice FS1 and one game with NBC and FOX. It will also … Read more

The man who was charged with sexual crimes was released for deposit. organized again through new crimes

The man who was charged with sexual crimes was released for deposit. organized again through new crimes

The man who was charged with sexual crimes was released for deposit. He is again organized because of a new criminal Kennewick, Wash. – A man who was arrested because he had exposed himself to several children during the Tri-Cities was arrested on Wednesday, February 26, since they were exposed to indecent exposure costs. But … Read more

McKinley primary school students celebrate the 20th annual multicultural day

McKinley primary school students celebrate the 20th annual multicultural day

Davenport, Iowa (KWQC) – Students and employees celebrated various cultures and ethnic groups at McKinley Elementary. Officials said the diverse McKinley community with students from over 20 nations. The event gave the students the opportunity to deal with the community and to get to know different cultures through food, music, craft and more. Mariah Jensen, … Read more