
Brett Sawyer set as New Greyhound's football coach

Brett Sawyer set as New Greyhound's football coach

Boerne High didn't have to search very far to find his new boss football coach. Brett Sawyer, who acted as a school defensive coordinator in the last seasons, was discontinued as Greyhound's meetings on Monday as the new football coach of the greyhound at Boerne ISD. Sawyer succeeds Che Hendrix, who left the Boerne football … Read more

Texas Rangers opens the examination of the Texas lottery

Texas Rangers opens the examination of the Texas lottery

Austin, Texas – The Texas Rangers open an investigation by the Texas Lottery. On Monday, the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, instructed the Texas Rangers to examine two incidents – including a recent 83 million US dollar, which was won in Austin with a courier service. Governor Abbott opened the investigation on Monday on Monday: … Read more

Florida's legislative template would revoke insurance coverage for non -conforming condominiums

Florida's legislative template would revoke insurance coverage for non -conforming condominiums

Tallahasee-a legislator of Miami suggests ending the state ownership insurance for condominium associations that were adopted to comply with new building security laws, which were passed in the surfdes Ideas in 2021 after a 12-story living tower. Most housing buildings three floors and higher must have considered a security inspection and study for buildings by … Read more

“From 0 to 1939 in 3 seconds”

“From 0 to 1939 in 3 seconds”

An anti-elon muscle group becomes viral for your Tesla “Swastar” ad. Tiktok An anti-elon musk group becomes viral for their Tesla “Swastar” Azone after the tech billionaire has helped to become the right-wing extremist party of the second largest political force in the country. A video published in the @Everyonehateselon TIITKOK, which is played by … Read more