
1 transports after shooting in NW Miami-Dade; Police research – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sport

Northwest Miami-Dade, Fla. (WSVN)-The officers of the Sheriff of Miami-Dade examined the scene of a shootout in the northwest of Miami-Dade.

The incident was found in Northwest 22nd Ave. and the 90th Street, where a house was taped off early Thursday morning.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue arrived at the scene and transported a victim with gunshot wounds into the face as a trauma alarm to a nearby hospital.

Not a word about the circumstances about the incident.

Further information on this developing story can be found at and 7News.

If you have information about this crime, call Miami-Dade Crime Stopper at 305-471 tips. Remember that you can always remain anonymous and possibly have a reward of up to 5,000 US dollars.

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