
10 tips for visiting crups from a 23-fold visitor

I showed Irish setters since I was a teenager and took part in everyone Crossings – Apart from the year it was canceled during Covid – since then it would be fair to say that I have taken up a few practical tips for visiting crossings and the best of your visit.

I am now a championship show judge for Irish Setters and has been part of the Channel 4 comment team for five years, which also presented some. I also presented the World Dog Show in Croatia and the European dog exhibition in Slovenia.

If you don't go to the show or did not manage to see everything you wanted, don't worry. Channel 4 and more4 show more hours with the cover of cruts than ever – we have put together a complete guide How to watch Crupts 2025.

Laura Interviewing, Melanie Raymond, one of the owners of the later 2024 winner (Viking) (Photo credit: Laura Crombie)

My tips for visiting intersections

1. First go to discover “dogs”