
12 killed, 59 in the Colorado theater rotation wounded

Aurora, Colorado. -A shooter who wore a gas mask and a black Swat equipment, hurled a gas canister in a crowded cinema during a midnight that presented the new Batman film on Friday, and then opened the fire, killed 12 people and wounded almost 60 more in an attack that was so bizarre that some cinemas were at the first thought that they were watching Hollywood specialties.

When the smoke spread out of the Canister, the spectators saw how “The Dark Knight Rises” in the Suburban Denver Theater, the silhouette of a person near the screen, pointed a weapon on the crowd and apparently shooting without word.

It was one of the most deadliest mass shootings in the latest US history.

The alleged shooter, who was identified as James Holmes, a 24-year-old doctoral student in neurosciences at the University of Colorado-Denver, was arrested near a car behind the theater.

The authorities did not give a motive for the attack. The FBI said there were no signs of connections to terrorist groups.

“There was a ball (hanging) that only fell on my head. They burned my forehead,” said Jennifer Seeger and added that the shooter, who was dressed like a Swat team member, had steadily fired and only stopped for reloading. “It was only: boom, boom, boom every few seconds,” she said. “He would reload and shoot and everyone who would try to go would simply be killed.”

The police said a total of 71 people were shot.

Dan Oates, chief of police from Aurora, said the shooter wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and a vest as well as leg, groin and neck supporters. He said he had an AR-15 military style, a semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun and two pistols.

While some witnesses said the shooter had entered the theater through an emergency output, said Holmes, a law enforcement officer of the federal government who spoke on the condition of anonymity and went to the theater as part of the crowd.

The official said Holmes apparently said an exit door in the theater when the film played, the protective ballistic equipment put on and opened the fire.

The FBI agents and the police used a hook-and-loading fire brigade car to reach Holmes' apartment in Aurora. They put a camera in the apartment at the end of a 12-foot pole and found that the device was caught with a fool. The authorities evacuated five buildings when they tried to disarm the flammable and explosive material.

“It's something I've never seen before,” said Oates.

Some of the victims were treated for chemical exposure that are apparently associated with canisters that were thrown by the shooter. These injuries included a 4 -month -old baby who was treated and released in a hospital.

Holmes has in a Ph.D. It was a year ago in neurosciences a year ago, but at the time of the shootout, the spokeswoman for the University of Colorado-Denver, Jacque Montgomery, withdrew.

The police published Holmes' family: “Our hearts go to those who were involved in this tragedy and the families and friends of the participants.”

The film was opened all over the world on Friday. At midnight in the United States, the shooting caused the officials to cancel Red Carpet's premiere in Paris.

In the United States, the police and some cinemas in the United States rose to security for the day, although many fans who were waiting in line were not concerned about their safety.

President Barack Obama said that he was sad about the “terrible and tragic shootout”, and promised that his government was “obliged to bring the person who was responsible for the judiciary, guaranteed the security of our people and take care of those who were wounded”.

It was the worst mass shooting in the United States since November 5, 2009, attack in Fort Hood, Texas,. A army psychiatrist was accused of killing 13 soldiers and civilians and injuring more than two dozen others.

In Colorado it was the most deadliest since the massacre of the Columbine High School on April 20, 1999 when two students opened the fire in the suburb of Littleton in Denver, killed 12 classmates and a teacher and 26 other wounded before they killed themselves. Columbine High is about 12 miles from the theater.

The attack on Friday started shortly after midnight in the Multiplex Theater, and the spectators said they were part of the film or a kind of stunt that was connected with it.

The film contains several scenes from public mayhem – a trademark for superhero films. In one scene, the villain Bane leads an attack on the stock exchange and leads a shooting and bomb attacks on a complete football stadium in another.

The shooter released a gas that smelled out of a green canister after pepper spray, said Seeger. “I thought it was showmanship. I didn't think it was real,” she said.

Seeger said that she was in the second row, about four feet from the shooter when he showed a gun on her face. First “I was just a deer in headlights. I didn't know what to do,” she said. Then she ducked to the ground when the shooter put people behind him.

She said she started crawling on an exit when she saw a girl of about 14 “lay lifeless on the stairs”. She saw a man with a gunshot wound in her back and tried to check his pulse, but “I had to go. I would be shot.”

Shayla Roeder said she saw a young girl bleeding on the floor in front of the theater. “She had this terrible look in her eyes. We made eye contact and I could say that she was not doing well,” said Roeder.

The police, ambulance and emergency crew raved at the scene after hectic calls began to flood the 911 shaft board. The officials came in and told people that they should leave the theater, said Salina Jordan the Denver Post. She said a police wore and dragged body.

Hayden Miller told Kusa TV that he heard several shots. “Like small explosions and shortly afterwards we heard people scream,” he said to The Station. Hayden first said he thought it was part of a louder film next door. But then he saw “the people who have tied up and left the theater”.