
12-vehicle collision leaves 4 dead, 8 injured

Phoenix (WKRC) – The Arizona Highway Patrol said that she had an extensive and detailed examination of a tragic collision with several vehicles. The incident in which six commercial motor vehicles, four passenger vehicles, a van and a leisure vehicle that dragged a trailer led to four confirmed deaths.

The investigators believed that the crash began with an initial collision, followed by one or more secondary collisions, which led to additional injuries and deaths. The soldiers examined whether the blowing of dust, which may have caused a reduced visibility, was an essential factor for the collisions.

In addition to the deaths, two people were in a critical condition and received life -saving treatment. One person had been approved for preventive care, while five others were treated and released from various hospitals.

State Troopers worked to contact the families of those involved, and at that time did not publish any names or identifications. “Our focus is on carrying out a thorough and detailed examination and support of how it is best involved in this tragic incident,” said a spokesman for the Arizona Highway Patrol.

The Ministry of Public Security in Arizona and the Arizona Ministry of Transport have worked together to manage the scene and ensure that the road was safely reopened.