
2025 Cup of Excellence Auction Plan includes 11 Country Daily Coffee News from the roast magazine

Daily coffee news photo by Howard Bryman.

The non -profit Alliance for Coffee Excellence published a preliminary schedule for all auctions of the International Cup of Excellence (COE) for 2025.

The calendar comprises 11 different COE auctions in 11 different countries, from mid-June 2025 to March 2026.

The calendar for the high-end auction program for the high-end coffee includes a number of long-lasting COE participants from America, starting with Nicaragua (June 19), Mexico (June 24), Honduras (July 3), Costa Rica (July 8), Guatemala (July 15th), Peru (December 2)) Guatemala (December 2) and Brazil (December 2).

Allianz for coffee excess

The calendar also determines the COE auctions from relative newcomers to the program, in which attempts to build market connections between coffee producers and premium buyers through a strict process of green coffee.

Thailand (July 29), Taiwan (August 28) and Indonesia (March 24th and 25th, 2026) are located at the Coe auction docket this year. Each of these producing countries has organized its first COE competitions in the past three years.

There are some remarkable absences from the schedule, including: Colombia, which took part in the COE program annually from 2005 to 2023; Ethiopia, in which COE competitions were held between 2020 and 2024; And Ecuador, which organized COE competitions for three years, last 2023.

ACE has opened an auction and an example set registration for all 2025 auctions. The auction registration for ACE members is 25 US dollars, whereby the samples of $ 395 per set cost. These prices for non-members increase to $ 250 or $ 850.

ACE has advertised the latest version of his 2025 time plan on Instagram.

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