
211 Northwest Florida recognizes the vital hotline of the community:

211 Northwest Florida recently celebrated 211 days as part of a one -month campaign. National 211 Day is an annual observation that celebrates the three-digit information and recommendation hotline that has helped millions of people in the USA and Canada in the past 40 years. 211 Northwest Florida is the iteration of the program in the region, which connects individuals with information on resources and services in their community.

211 Northwest Florida is a resource for residents who need support for disasters, food, health care, mental health, insurance, stable living space, supply, veteran services, childcare and other associated needs. It runs 10 counties in northwestern Floridas, including Escambia and Santa Rosa.

211 is 24/7, free, confidential and is offered in over 180 languages. 211 specialists offer sensitive, non-valuable care, while individuals and families are associated with a number of available resources to meet their underlying needs, not only the one who prompted the call, text or email.

“Our specialists are working to understand the causes of problems and often provide Callers additional life -changing resources,” said Laura Gilliam, CEO/President of United Way West Florida. “211 is an unsurpassed, critical, deputy service that connects and supports those who need help.”

211 Northwest Florida made over 130,000 connections to essential resources in our community in 2024. 211 is particularly helpful in times of disaster such as hurricanes, floods and forest fires by spreading precise and checked information. If you are someone you know that you need help, call 211 or send your zip code to 898211.

Image: The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners recognized 211 months. Photo for, click to enlarge.