
2nd teenager dies after shooting in February outside the Columbia Mall

A second teenager died a week after a shootout outside the shopping center in Columbia, the police from Howard County confirmed with WTOP.

A second teenager died after a shootout outside the shopping center in Columbia, Maryland, at the end of the last month, the police from Howard County confirmed to WTOP.

The police said on Saturday that the 15 -year -old Blake McCray had died. According to an update of the police from the police on Saturday, he was brought to the shock trauma center of the University of Maryland after the shootout on February 22nd.

The shootout occurred outside of a Lidl business in the 10,300 block of the Little Patuxent Parkway shortly before 6 p.m., said Emmetetson Zeah (18), shot two teenagers in a parking lot and bus loop near the grocery store.

The 16 -year -old Michael Robertson from Columbia was declared dead according to the police at the crime scene.

The police arrested Zeah shortly after the shootout and accused him of the first degree murder and tried first degree.

The police from Howard County said Zeahs were updated to reflect McCray's death.

Zeah is recorded in the Howard County Detung Center without a deposit.

The police said the motive was unclear, but they believe that Zeah aimed at the shootout against Robertson and McCray.

Zeah was previously charged with attempted first degree murder due to shooting on someone during a shootout on February 14th in the 10200 block of the Twin Rivers Road in Columbia. Nobody was hit in this incident, the police said.

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