
3 gang members who are charged as “criminal company” in 2019, including robberies, murder

Officials from the York district announced charges against three people, of whom they say they were involved in a gang, and committed several robberies for home vasions, killed a man and tried to kill another in 2019. Investigators on Thursday afternoon have accredited the city's peace tribe for having time to examine the time to examine the cold case.

Anu Johnson, Jakeem Woodard and Shandon Garner are the trio, which is accused, among other things, for murder, robbery and severe attack.

Tim Barker, Prosecutor's Prosecutor of York County, said the men are supposedly part of a group called “ATM”, which is said to stand for “addicted money”. The group was founded loudly in 2016.

In 2019, the group had a spree of predatory robberies for targeted home vasion in York and entered the houses of the people of whom they believed that they could get cash, cash and firearms, according to the DA.

The first home vasion that took place in August this year showed several victims, including small children, said the there.

“Just because a crime is not solved immediately does not mean that justice goes to sleep,” said Barker. “It may have a resting event, but it never sleeps. We pursue every tour we have.”

The trio is accused of performing several other home vasions all year round, with it added that other people were involved in the “ATM” group, and especially mentioned that people drove cars for the suspects. However, these people did not call these people during the press conference.

One of the home vasions ended with the murder of a man named Edward Jarmond Jr., someone they believed that they could steal money, drugs and weapons, according to Barker. The criminal affidavit that Garner had been the one who had decided to deduct the deduction to kill Jarmond during the robbery, which is why he is charged with the first degree because of the “intentional and malicious murder”, while the other two are charged with the criminal offense of the robbery due to murder in the second degree.

The trio is charged with conspiracy for the underlying crimes, said Barker.

A fourth robbery that was supposedly celebrated by the group accepted James McMillion Jr., who was shot several times during the home vasion. The three men are charged with attempted murder and severe attack on this shootout because they are all accused of firing weapons on him.

We will never rest when it comes to solving our murders and looking for justice for victims of crimes.

The there gave additional details about a fifth and sixth home vasion, both of which took place at the end of August 2019.

What did it need to solve the case

Barker came from the York City Police Department to Mayor Michael Helfrich and Detective Commander Andy Baez to inform the public about the investigation.

The people said that prosecutors and detectives were released by the Grand Jury, which was used by the law enforcement agencies to uncover who committed the crimes of violence. Barker described the Grand jury as “very intensive, with several witnesses”.

This Grand jury recommended charges, including robbery, burglary, criminal conspiracy and corrupt organization for the extortion of activities with robbery and murder.

“These groups that form when we think of a gang we believe that they have a larger aspect for them … neighborhood disputes, common enemies,” said Barker. He claims that they have formed the idea of ​​participating in scolding.

“The main focus, if you look back on the events that took place in 2019, you always have to start murder,” said Barker, who has been added that Murder was the most serious charge.

He said the murder had become the focus of the investigation, and all crimes came together to lead to the charges as part of a “criminal company”.

Barker claimed that all three suspects were “main actors in gun power”.

“When it comes to looking for justice for victims of crimes, we have not rested,” said Barker. “We waited until we had the evidence and tools to get there to make these arrests.”

“When they have committed violence and killed someone else, their case never rests,” added Barker. “Justice will not go to sleep.”

We will solve these crimes and put the perpetrators in court.

Participation of the York City Police

Detective Baez Scredit the “Group Wall Initiative” (GVI) for progress in the case and said that it concentrated on targeted groups in communities that continue to commit crimes.

GVI has brought great reduction in crime, a great feeling for the commitment of the community and trust in the work as a partner. If you don't have to constantly examine what is happening now, you have more time and resources to look back.

“The York Community terrorized this series of violence,” said Baez and called the group “threatening”. “Your violence was everywhere and everywhere.”

We do not give up, we are not afraid, we are not tired on the pursuit of justice for this community … For the victims we hear them, we remember them, we fight for you and we take care of it.

According to BAEZ, the department's investigators enabled the department to concentrate on cold cases and to recognize the most recent role of peace in the city and to have freed the break in crime.

He also spoke about the “Remember Me Project”, an initiative that has associated the department with the community because he strives for “more graduations and less funerals”.

“What we do works for our department and the members involved,” said Baez.

As Barker said, the York City police officers take care of the community and that his office is honored with them.

Mayor in the community

Mayor Helfrich also thanked the community for the recent strip of peace and repeated them more time to check older cases like this.

Read more |100 days without gun violence: The police commissioner of York City speaks with monumental achievements

“It is the community that happened,” said Helfrich. “I'm still celebrating peace in York.”

He recently spoke about the 100% closure rate of the police authority for murders and said that after the arrest at the only shootout that has taken place last month, “one for one”.

“You reach the closure rates throughout the national average,” said the mayor. “The work they do is complicated … Here they do a masterful job.”

Helfrich also thanked Dave Sunday for his previous work in the “Violence intervention in the group” initiative.

“According to my knowledge of York's story, I don't know any better relationship between the mayor and the one that has ever existed,” said Helfrich and thanked Barker for his work in the case and in the city. “Without teamwork … we couldn't have this success.”

Helfrich said he believes that relationships and love are distracting young people from violence.

“Every time we allow people to feel disenfranchised, we injure ourselves more than other people,” said Helfrich.

He drove home, the point of the da that points out that less than 1% of people in a community do bad things and commit violence.

“We don't want that in York,” said Helfrich. “Your neighbors don't want it, your friends don't want it, your family doesn't want it … be nobody we have to be ashamed of.”

They are still humans, but they did everything wrong. They have to be separated from us for a very long time until they are found guilty.

questions and answers

When asked whether the group “ATM” still exists, Barker's answer was vague. “They were active and together for a snapshot of the time we mentioned,” he said.

If you do a lifestyle and activity that revolves around violence, you will be detained or seriously injured or die from gun power. It is very sad that nobody enjoys someone here.

When asked about the cost of crimes, Barker said that the “unquanted costs” of the “loss of life, the damage to people, the damage to the soul and the effects of a loss of opportunities for the community” are.

A reporter asked whether a certain fact or discovery led to the fees. He replied that it was a cumulative cooperation and many facts and the comparison of common topics during the period.

Detective Baez said that with a new sentence of the eyes of prosecutors and detective helped to solve the case. According to Baez, the cooperation between newer and older members focused on quality and not on quantity.

“We want to do that right,” said Baez. “An entire team came together.”

“It is the people who have registered, the community is the one who gives us the information to protect us all,” said Mayor Helfrich, “we do it together, which was not always the case.”

The there spoke briefly about the royal cinema shoot, which ended with the death of Andre White Jr., of which Johnson was acquitted. Barker said that the weapon used at the shootout was connected to a firearm stolen in this incident, but the type of both cases was kept separated.

Previous reporting | Suspicious cinema shoot in York County, which was not found guilty of almost all charges

“We do not judge people and don't try people just because we believe that they are a criminal,” said Barker. “We absolutely guarantee a person's fundamental rights within the punitive justice system.”

Someone asked if the murder itself was a more targeted murder. Barker said the system had been targeted, and the suspects had committed robberies and blackmails and claimed their goal of being in the places were the robberies.

“Garner killed him with regard to the killing of Jarmond to kill him,” said Barker. “I don't know any other way to express it.”

All three suspects are in custody and Johnson was charged. The other people have not yet been charged, but because the maximum sentence is without probation, they are not entitled to deposit.

“We are here to help you, but if you do us, we will arrest you,” said Detective Baez.

Barker made it clear that the murder victim was not a goal of a rival group, but a topic that they believed that they could receive objects.

Candace Scalese from CBS 21 of CBS 21 asked Barker and the other civil servants whether they were in contact with the family, whereupon they answered that they would stay in touch with them and have a strong communication line with the city. Barker added that they were “very supportive and very pleased” that the prosecutors are looking for justice for their relatives.

Baez added that the Remember ME project aims to do exactly that. Keep the department in contact with the families of the victims.

“We won't forget the family,” he said.

Barker spoke about the severity that such an act of violence brings with it.

Murder victims have received their lifelong prison sentence. It is the least we can do to get justice. Nothing we have done can extinguish this terrible tragedy that you have to go through. We don't forget a single … nobody was forgotten.

Mayor Helfrich ended the press conference by examining all cases and asking someone to report in cold cases.

“We continue to need your help,” he said. “We love you, we will continue to work for you.”