
3 tips for promoting an innovation culture in your company

We have seen it again and again: Innovation is of crucial importance for the success. It leads to new and improved opportunities to do things. This is how we progress as a society and develop over time. So we remain first -class for consumers and become the names in our specific industries.

There are too many examples of failed companies due to a lack of innovation, one of which is one of the Netflix against blockbuster -takedown. Netflix fit the changing preferences of consumers and switched from a film rental service at home to a leading streaming service. In contrast to blockbusters, Netflix allowed users to rent unlimited DVDs for a package fee. When it was shifted to a streaming platform, Netflix invested in the creation of content, global expansion and a convenient Subscription service model. These company ads rose before the Netflix competition and led to their current position as the world's largest streaming service.

Examples like this illustrate how the failure of innovations can quickly lead to the inevitable result of the loss of market shares, but the story of blockbusters is only one of many. As a business owner, I have seen several cases of companies over the years who have decided not to develop further – and the consequences of it. So I understand how important it is to be intended in order to meet the current requirements and to remain competitive on today's market. With this in mind, you will find some of my top tips here to promote a culture of innovation within an organization.

Define your vision clearly

I ask myself questions that help me visualize how my decisions will affect my company in the long term. Questions like these can be helpful to ask yourself: “In five, ten and 20 years, your company should be in five, ten and 20 years? How do you see how your company is expanding and growing? How will you further inspire, activate and include new customers? “

This kind of questions can help you to clearly define your business vision. Similar to a personal vision, a business vision enables you to repeat the purpose of your organization and to think about what is most important for success. How to define success as a company is also taken into account. If you are a startup, success can look like a few new leads every week. If you are a massive company, a disorder in your industry may be your next challenge to express competitors.

As soon as your view is defined, do not hold it to your heart. Share it with your company. Teams who feel that they are part of a larger mission will be more motivated and inspired. Since you know that your work is important, the employees feel connected with a larger overarching goal.

Employees enable

Not everyone in their team will have confidence in collecting their hand and presenting their ideas. However, this does not mean that these people have no amazing ideas. You can be afraid to know that your direct boss is in the room. You may have the feeling that you are rated every time you raise your hand, especially if the current culture is more combative instead of being inviting.

The strengthening of employees begins with encouragement. In front of a company -wide town hall, ask the employees to create ideas for an upcoming start. Give them enough time for you to submit and present your ideas. Take a break in team meetings every week and ask the individuals what you think. First, some can hesitate to say everything, but over time this can become a productive Brainstorming meeting. Starting a meeting with ideas sharing can also make employees think creatively.

Another way to strengthen employees is to delegate other tasks and responsibilities to them. Don't ask what you are currently working on, whether you were willing to drive a new project. If possible, I also try to consider the passions of an employee if I ask you to take over a new project because it can be motivating for you to work on something you may not do regularly, but may have specialist knowledge or a part -time hobby. Sometimes it is only a new brain when a spark of creativity encounters them.

Enable cross -functional cooperation

With hybrids and remote jobs, it is too easy for employees to feel isolated. Silo work may be productive work, but it is not always innovative work. Even if employees work with others regularly, it is probably always the same people. The partnership with a colleague in the same team can be productive again, but it does not allow the most unique ideas to report.

Cross -functional cooperation means working with others from another department or discipline. For example, I can instruct a sales leader in my team to work closely with a team member, whose focus content management on brainstorming helps a new opportunity for a potential lead that you are currently working with. The content manager can then work with a web developer to design a new interactive function on the brand website or social media platform.

Regardless of which team members work together on a certain project, you may first have to assign certain roles and responsibilities to get the ball rolling. In particular at remote jobs, employees may only have interacted with other teams when they are assigned. Shortly afterwards you will probably see employees who suggest how to work with someone in another team to achieve a common goal.

Innovation works

Innovation can occur overnight or not. However, companies separate from top competitors. The more you support yourself as a leading provider of the idea of ​​innovations, the more likely your team will follow the example. I always remember that there is more than one solution for every problem. So I encourage my team to think outside the plate and give them the time and space to do this. Ask for your ideas and encourage you to think creatively further. This could lead to a success story like Netflix, which offers its reliable on-demand streaming service platform in front of its competitors.